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Where are these files! Websites Down!

Here you can find news, get help and comment about the Star Wars Total Conversion called ?Free Worlds?

Post Sat Sep 17, 2005 8:15 am

Where are these files! Websites Down!

Hi i just registard for the help2go website and its down. one of my posts i can;'t check. Can someone give me a WORKING link to the 1.65 ioncross gaametdata files.

tried links. -takes me to oxide search engine - http error

assasinsden wbsite -dosent and never existed

all othe links i got DONT WORK! Why is there no website for this mod??? and when is 1.66 coming out in opensingkeplayer??? Please this is a great mod and i dont want it to die out.

Really great wok all of you but please get a website up. Alsoo the mellenium falcon in 1.65 looks like it has a flreelancr libery paint job. please keep the original skin. ALOS there is no sound for the quad laser cannons? Great mod BUT a easier Open single player version would be greatv becuase im not alowed MP and so i can't team up.also (too many also's sry) the skin for the boba fet skin you get when you select the faction has solid black sikin and you can see his skull trhough the mout. he wheres no helmet!?! still GREAT WORK and keep it up

I was Beta_5 on that help2go website And if its still working Beta-5 on Swat-portal. Hummer 101 on rise of nations heaven and The_Lion_HEarted on stronhold knights .com for further refrence

Post Wed Sep 21, 2005 5:46 pm

Freeworlds is far from dead.

The singleplayer 1.66 will be out when 1.66 Multi-Player comes out (it is built into the new 1.66 mod). The 1.66 mod will be out when it is out and not a day sooner (i.e. it will be out when we finish it. We have finished development, but we are going through the process of balancing 300 odd ships, 250 odd commodities and finding all those bugs that need to be eliminated before release).

Those links you have provided are the old Freeworlds sites that have not been used for a long long long time. Current links to Freeworlds sites include:

Freeworlds Development Team Forum (the forum responsible for Freeworlds 1.66 Developer, includes images from the new mod being worked on):

Freeworlds RP Server (the most popular Freeworlds Server - requires a patch that can be downloaded from the site itself):

Freeworlds USA 24/7 Server:

As to Boba Fett in the Nexus Bar, you must have a problem with your copy of the mod, because he works fine as far as I know in most people's versions of 1.65.

The Quad Laser Sound issue is also solved at the RP Server site if you check the posts in the Suggestions and Help Section.

Hope that is all some help to you.

Freeworlds Mod Developer
Author of Modular Station

'There is no Good nor Evil in the universe, just perceptions and circumstances.'

Post Fri Nov 18, 2005 9:00 am

sry i havent been around much. i know this reply is a month late

thanks for the info.. but where can i dowload the ioncross files

i am curentle running

Free Worlds Mod v1.65 MP Only

Freeworlds-1.65 patch

Free Worlds OpenSP v0.41b

I am not alowed MP so i run open SP. I need the Ioncross Gamedata files for this version. Where are they??

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