I have to put my two cents in
I have read quite a few people that have knocked this mod.
Yes it does have only a few systems but look at the possibilites.
1. Some of the other massive mods state that they can't add anymore systems. (Talk about feeling boxed in)
2. Those mods concentrate hugely on ships, ships, ships, ships, ships........
ok you got the idea. It gets to the point you feel like your buying all new sorts of ships but feel like you can still only drive them arround in the same parking lot. After a while FL seems to become nothing but ships (although they do have other systems of course)
This is space!!! Where someone wants to feel like they are finding new places and the discoveries are endless.
OH!!!! by the way, it also gets rather annoying in the mods when you fly to a whole new system farther out than the border worlds and guess what, there is the Manhattan ship yard
Not very encouraging to say the least. (Don't get me wrong, they have done alot of work and their efforts are to be applauded
So this is what I am saying, here is an up and coming mod that is slowly getting larger and larger, and it is a whole new system!!!
Who knows what possibilities it holds for the future.
Last (and yet I feel it vastly important) This is the FIRST mod to seriously make new bases. TOTALLY new looking bases, inside and out. I don't know if you have noticed but I have not seen ONE mod yet that has gone through that sort of effort.
Yes,,, only a few systems, but many other things that no other mod can boast.
Note- It is good that the mod is developing slowly.
Less chance of massive bug revisions and patches,
again, it keeps you waiting to see what is going to be added next.
(Yes I might get smacked for this... but with all the brains that are in these forums, I wish ALL of them one day could get together and make the Ultimate revamped FL mod. Massive beyond belief and incredible in every finite detail