I've decided that the two things that I REALLY want are these:
-Ability to demand people drop their cargo
-Many more types of random missions (I mean like 10 new kinds... not just 1 or two, although I wouldn't complain if they just added 1 or 2.. lol)
Those two features would make Freelancer 2x the game it is right now... and that's saying something. The other ones I listed would all be FANTASTIC additions, but those two stand out above all others in my mind. Both would be something that could be added in a mega-patch. I'm optomistic that these two features will be implemented.
Also, I'd like to mention that the "random" economy sounds better than the dynamic one... for one, it'd be 20x easier for them to implement, and secondly, it would actually be more realistic, since you are just a Freelancer with a reletively small ship. But, we shouldn't hold our breath on that one - that's a huge programming ordeal, and I doubt they'll do it.