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Things I hope the full version has... ?

This is a free discussion forum on Freelancer. This is the place to discuss Freelancer issues NOT covered by the other boards!

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 12:20 pm

Things I hope the full version has... ?

Uhm yeah... so I played the demo (I'm new to the forum so hello, hello)... anyway I played the demo and at first glance the graphics where err... below the standard of the screenies i've seen here (but then I pumped up AA and AF and it looked okay)... I got a couple of questions about what is different in the full version from the demo.

1. Comms and hails: Is there a more detailed communication system rather than just press HAIL and the targeted ship tells you where it's going? I'd like to see the return of "1. taunt - 2.orders - 3. Base - 4. never mind..." that is resident in all of the "Roberts" games.

2. Is the star map 3D??? i.e. can you rotate the thing to see where you are on a 3D plane... so many times i've looked for the trade lane and couldnt find it because it was either above or below me.

3. Any chance the story re-kindles the Steltek storyline from Privateer 1??? I read somewhere that you can collect alien artifacts???

4. Is there a damage control system on the ship? Like on star lancer? where you can see what's busted up in detail. One thing I loved about privateer #1 is that you could see what was damaged and what was under repair from your repair droid... it was great! taking refuge in an asteroid field waiting for that shield and gun system to turn yellow, then green after a good fight.

5. Does the onboard computer talk more? I can't remember what game it was (Edge of Chaos I think)... but the computer voice really brought me into the game "warning collision detected... " "shield power optimal" "docking with station ----" - I don't know it just makes it feel like the computer is advanced or something... I can imagine (if this was IN the game) docking with a station with the computer blairing in the back "approaching out docking ring, docking clamps engaged, manual thruster override engaged" *clunk* beeeeeep *pssssst* "docking complete..."

Yeah that's all really, oh yeah and does anyone know or think FL is better than EVE Online: 2nd genesis?

Sorry for the long post btw.


*tractor beam fail

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 12:35 pm

Welcome to the forums!

1. No
2. No, everything is on a 2d plain, like a real galaxy.
3. Don't know, I don't have the game yet. But I can guarentee there is no direct relationship between the two games.
4. No, only what you saw in the demo. You can however loose wings and whatever weapons you had attached to said wings. You can only repair this damage once docked.
5. Nope that's it.

hope that helps.

I don't really run this place but I have an understanding with the people who do.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 12:35 pm

Hi and welcome! I don't have the full version yet (Europe resident ) so I can't help you. Be patient and one of the luckier bastards should pop up . About number 6though: EVE online is well, MMORPG. So its character interaction is of course superior than FL's npcs. But I like FL's single player story and universe better. And I really doubt anything this year can best FL's interface.

Aku. Soku. Zan. (Kill. Evil. Instantly.)

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 12:42 pm

Many thanks, pitty about the comm system that's wot i used to love most ... especially in starlancer "suck on this!" LMAO

And in PR1 you could turn an enemy round by NOT insulting him/her just keep asking "hows it going?" LOL... still it would have been nice to give some interaction this way.


*tractor beam fail

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 12:59 pm


Isn't our galaxy more than one layer of stars thick?

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 1:05 pm

Lemestarn - the galaxy is a flattened lense shape but yes, stars are distributed in 3d because the lens is still hundreds of light years thick.

However, in the solar system, most objects are distributed along the plane of the ecliptic, which is why planets move through a the band in the our sky that delineates the constellations. so, while space is 3d most of the objects in the system are located on a 2d plane (over-simplified like hell but true enough).

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 1:07 pm

@Lem: and sound is not supposed to travel in space also. And since planets revolve in systems, and systems themselves revolve, the map is not supposed to be static. And etc.

Lots of things are not close to reality in FL. Let's just remember that FL is science fiction, with emphasist on "fiction".

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 3:11 pm


I just finished the storyline I will try to answer your questions. But I still have a lot to explore.

1. You can hail a ship..but you have no options on what you want to say. This would be a nice addition for a patch or expansion pack. But...the response you get is not allways the same. It depends on the situation and who it is your hailing. Once I was in formation with a Liberty Police ship and these Rogues showed up and did not go hostle towards me. I hailed them and they replied.." what the hell do you want? ". I then hailed them again...and they said..."you are starting to anoy me!".

2. The map is 2d. But the actual space your flying in is 3d.

3. No. The story line in Freelancer however is more complex than the one in Privateer. You can however find artifacts and such from abandoned ships. These must be found by exploring or paying for the information of the location. In fact...some very unique items can only be found by exploring.

4. This has been answered by the others. Nanobots do the work instantly.
Would be better if they took a little more time...but in some of the would proberly die if they did. You have no place to go hide and get repaired.

5. The onboard computer does a lot of keep you aware of the situation at hand....she tells you ( it is a sexy female voice ) a lot of critical information you need to know.

6. Freelancer is the best science fiction game ever made...atleast for me.

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 3:26 pm

You can find tradelane rings easily by setting your scanners filters to solars and selecting the closest tradelane (those with "origin->destination" format in their names) if you are in sensor range of one that is. If that's not the case, place a user waypoint directly on a tradelane line on the map and follow the arrow/target marker. You should find a tradelane ring easily from there.


"In all likelihood you're going to die out there. We're all going to die out there, but none of us needs to be reminded of that fact. So you die, you never existed." - Lt. Cmdr. 'Angel' Devereaux

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 4:16 pm

Thanks for all your replies again...

Although the demo plays fine and is actually addictive in some ways... I'm still not sold on the game itself, a lot of the features I'd hoped would be in there are lacking and I'm reading a lot of posts with what I consider to be negative comments. If only Freelancer was more like Privateer (possibly the best "Elite" clone of all times - great story, good interaction levels, and classic "speech add-on pack".

Anyway I'd like to ask one more question (please limit your answers to like 10 bullet points or less)... what are your favourite things about freelancer? Anything to convince me to buy this game... I loved Wing Commander, I loved Privateer (1&2) and I loved StarLancer... I don't want to miss out on FreeLancer... but if it's going to be *thumbs down* then at least I know I wouldnt have spent bux on something that I wont enjoy... thanks...


*tractor beam fail

Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 5:29 pm


Sounds like you are doing the same kind of rationalizing that I did before you buy it. I love the game because I've come to except it for what it is ... and what it is in many ways is a dumbed down version of Privateer (2). The story is much more compelling but the simulated aspects of it are clearly oversimplified to appeal to more people.

Despite that I think the whole package works very well. Ship control is very different from other games but still a lot of fun. I still get the same thrill out of the space combat as I did with X-Wing, Freespace and the others.

As for my favorite thing.... "My Freighter is full of H-Fuel and I'm on my way to the California system to complete the trade so I can afford that Class 3 shield I saw. I'm running with a bare minimum of sheild regenerators and nanobots so I have more money for the goods. On top of that my missles are low as I've already been in several battles getting to this point. As I exit the trade lane near Planet Mojave I land right in the middle of a huge nest of Rogues already in battle with the local athorities. Since I've been known to hunt Rogues on occasion for fun they are really excited to see me. Feeling outnumbered I punch the cruise engines and select to dock with the trade lane buoy 3000 M away. The Rogues notice me and 3 or 4 of them begin pursuit. As my cruise engines switch off to being the docking proceedure the Rogues come into firing range. I switch to turret view and release 3-4 seeker mines. As I do that I select the closest target and begin firing with my 5 turrets. I take a few hits but manage to escape into the trade lane relaticely unharmed." The sense of thrill I get from that kind of action is what has kept me up till past midnight 3 nights in a row so far. The game is addictive; which might be due to the fact that it's so simple and action like that begins immediately after installing it.


Post Mon Mar 10, 2003 5:45 pm

@Fear Factor

I think I have a fairly good picture of what Freelancer is, and what it isn't. I was commenting on Mustang's statement "No, everything is on a 2d plain, like a real galaxy", which is incorrect.


Well, most of the objects in a system probably travels on their own 2d plane, but I understand what you're saying.

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