Post Sat Mar 08, 2003 12:22 am

my name in actin

Having given a clyesdale freighter the speed and agility of a light fighter with the armour and power of a capital ship, i decided to test out my new baby.

i travel to rochester base where i know there are rouges, xenos and junkers.
so there i am sitting there trading fire with the base as no one is there yet, when all of a sudden, 10 rogues, 3 junkers and 5 xenos and 2 mules apear from no where and decide to take me on

( to make myself seem more of an attractive target, i loaded up on oxygen )

anyhow, they engage me the battle lasts for 10 minutes and as far as you can scan there are shield batterys and nanobots all over the place.

You would think they would have figured out that i was bad news by now, but no, they come back AGAIN ! with twice as many ships.

this happens about twice more before i got bored and wandered off, only to have them jump me on my way back to planet pittsburgh.

the moral of the story? Pirates are stupid dont be a pirate