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What is Freelancer to you?

This is a free discussion forum on Freelancer. This is the place to discuss Freelancer issues NOT covered by the other boards!

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 1:16 pm

What is Freelancer to you?

Kinda as the topic says, what kind of a game is Freelancer to you? a space combat game - or an RPG?

I ask this question having looked at the nature of the space combat... I'd be forced to say that Freelancer is not a true space combat game. True there is space combat in the game but it is entirely lacking in many of the common features of space combat these days, sliding - rolling and so on are all not heavily used or indeed - needed - and so there is no real tactic to suceeding in combat other than "have a better ship than the enemy, point where you want to shoot, click, rinse and repeat". This is no bad thing, the game is still involving and great fun to play - but to be honest I was hoping for more from the combat system, which whilst being entirely similar to Wing Commanders - is just that - the WC series is very old now, things have progressed.

My personal feeling is that the game is good, but it would have been nice to see a more developed combat system than point/click/repeat. How do the rest of you feel?

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 1:29 pm

Ouch.. this is a very dangerous topic to bring up... But I would say that FL is DEFINITLY a Space Combat Game, but the definition "Simulation" might be argued wether it applies to Freelancer. In my book it does, but I know other feel otherwise.

Also you are close with your topic on a rule I set up concerning the locking of topics. Discussions on what Freelancer "is not" are beeing locked, eg. topics discussing why FL does not have xyz.... Roll can maybe be mod'ed into the game, but it is really not nessecary, since your rate of turning and banking are the same... Starting on advanced maneuvers include sliding, using engine kill, afterburners and reverse thrust.

When you go up against 5-10 bogeys at level 3-5 with yourself at level 1, you have a tremdous difficult fight on your hands, and I can do it, but only by employing everything I have in the book of manuervers!

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 2:07 pm

It's DEFINITELY NOT a sim... I think it is a space combat game, though one far deeper and entertaining than most.


Rogue Squadron: The True Force in the Galaxy!

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 2:35 pm

A new poison that will lead to my divorce.

I think it could be considered a space combat game. I'm waiting to see what the MPlay's going to be like.

"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance..."

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 2:45 pm

It's not Elite, it's not X2, it's not even Privateer 2. It isn't a sim of any description. It is an action adventure with rpg elements wrapped in a very very good arcade/console shooter, and set in a large and interesting universe that does a pretty good job of appearing more dynamic than it actually is.

You just need to forget the hype and forget it was ever intended to be a space sim and enjoy it for what it became - a damn good game that is fun to play.

And this is a die-hard fan of all the above sims, particularly the X series, and the owner of an expensive joystick, speaking. I approached the demo in a highly sceptical frame of mind but once I abandoned my preconceptions I was converted.

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 3:00 pm

Good post tagos!

What you said is what I have been trying to tell these doomsayers.

I loved Privateer. I liked XBF. I enjoyed Tachyon. But Freelancer when looked at as a better than any of those.

So to me...Freelancer has all the things that made those games fun to play and a lot more! I do not see how I can go wrong. It is a win/win situation for me.

Edited by - WhiteTiger on 04-03-2003 15:05:35

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 3:15 pm

Thanks Tiger

Under my XBTF Forum name i've posted a long review of FL (with a tail twister you have to read all the review to understand) and contributed to several balanced, intelligent discussions of the demo saying similar things.

Many who tried the demo found it still wasn't their thing, which is fine. Some seemed to like it. all I really want if for people to give it a chance to shine on it's own terms, unburdened by years of hype and false expectations.

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 3:39 pm

it's a arcade shooter, and a damn good one it is.

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 3:44 pm

i would like it to be a space combat/TRADE game.. but IMO that trade part didnt really work out


Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 3:51 pm

It is first and foremost a space shooter/sim. But for anyone who has played Privateer, there are alot of similarities or shadows of Privateer. I thinks it works.

I came. I saw. I conquered. And sometimes get conquered.

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 4:38 pm

Hey Bargib, sorry if I nearly stepped on the rules - that wasn't the plan - and I'm sure as hell not trying to insight another flaming of Freelancer or anything like that - I just realised how the game played and it suddenly got me thinking about what kind of game we're really dealing with.

Of course, the fact that it's not a sim doesn't make it a bad game - unfortunately I approached it thinking that it would be (having enjoyed FreeSpace2 and then IWar2) and found it simple by comparison, however it has many many aspects and is incredibly well developed, I'm now looking at it in a different light and it's gone from being a mediocre space combat game to an enthralling RPG with space arcade action included (and as an arcade form of combat, it works well).

Suffice to say, I like the game - I was hoping for something else but am happy with what I find in a different way.

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 2:04 am

hours and hours of my life I'll never get back

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