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Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 1:22 am


Anyone else noticed in how every battle no matter how many other ships are fighting with you that 70%+ of all fire goes towards you?? Talk about completely unrealistic. I was in this one fight with like 9 other fighters on my side and the other side had about 10 fighters and i noticed that at least 7 different ships were tailing me and completely ignoring my other ships wtf??? I mean i can understand 30-40% of them comin after me but 70?? Another obvious place to notice this is if you're leaving a space station of some kind and there's a battle going on outside which includes some enemies of yours. If you try to leave, the majority of them stop fighting their current target and go after you. Scuse me for being anal retentive but in the middle of a battle if i'm currently trying to kill someone i'm not going to go shooting at someone who isn't even involved and isn't even important to the outcome of the mission.

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 1:29 am

You can justify it this way:

If they are firing at you they must hate you or you ahve done something very wrong.

Now, if I was them, who would I go after first, a patrol of 4 Navy ships, or one lone Freelancer who nobody loves or cares enough about to avenge. Hell, maybe the cops don't even like him and I'd be doing them a favor.

Don't worry the ships do fire at each other, but you a right, most of the fire comes towards you.

Anyway, with the player advantage in weapons, ships, there has to be some challenge.

"If this is what you want to do, you'll do it, no matter how long it takes..........and usually the longer it takes the more fun you've had!"

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 1:37 am

Perhaps you had a very low rep with the people you were fighting? I'm not totally sure, but that might be part of it.
If it is not, however, keep in mind that you have shield batteries + nanobots and your shields recharge, and they do not.


Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 1:42 am

Your rep has nothing to do with who they fire at most...the group i was with were enemies as well with the people who we were fighting.

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 1:55 am

Actually what you are saying seems true to me, I mean there are all these huge cargo ships in a disrupted trade lane, and like 70% of the rogues/lane hackers attack me! I guess it's since I am more of a threat or something :/

I pity da foo, thug, o villian that trys takin' over da world, then comes home cryin' to his mamma!
-Mr. T

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 2:06 am

geez just open your info window, ya got what? 100s of kills? of course your going to be the main target

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 2:15 am

You have a huge price on your with it. Load up on shield batteries and nanobots and blast away! Or avoid those places were you are hated and hunted. If they can kill you real easy...maybe you are trying to go someplace you are not ready to go? Take your up your ship. I am at the point in the demo now....I do not fear to go anywhere...even the badlands.

I can remember players in Diablo2 wanting to go to a hell game...and I would ask them " why? will only die every other second."

There is a proper time for everything under the sun. Only fools rush in.

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 3:18 am

Lets just agree that this is a flaw with the game so DA will fix this...

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 3:21 am

i dont see it as a flaw

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 3:34 am

naw, it aint a flaw...

*If you have a cat and a dog in the same house, will that be a problem? Of course not, you might just have solved world hunger*

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 4:47 am

The real question is, how do the enemies react when there are multiple players in the same area (multiplayer)? The AI may just be compensating in singleplayer to give you a challenge. That is, you are always the priority target because YOU'RE playing the game and need to be need to please the other AI ships with a good dogfight =)

Or think of it this way. Why would the enemy fight respawning police ships when it could just kill you and end the game? Hehehe =P

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 5:03 am

Its stupid

I've flown into systems with a huge firefight going on, sometimes between two factions that dont like me. All of a sudden they just get along and ALL attack me, totally unrealistic, its even more so when someone is getting womped by BH's then all of a sudden decides to break off and go for me as soon as I jump in. Its unfair, I thinks its to make up for not having good fighter AI, the devs just decided to make everyone attack you to make it "harder"

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 5:12 am

I may have to agree with you Klepto..

But it is still a great game nonetheless

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 5:20 am

People are already complaining the game is too easy, now they are complaining that too many ships attack them. You can't please everyone it seems. I don't think the ships turning to attack you instead of the ones they were fighting is a flaw. Picture it this are fighting some people you dislike greatly then all of the sudden one lone guy flies by your battle who you REALLY despise and maybe beat up your mother or something. Wouldn't you drop what you were doing to go after your even more hated enemy who has probably racked up more kills against your friends than all of the NAVY, LSF, Junkers, Bounty Hunters combined? hehe

Post Tue Mar 04, 2003 5:26 am

I agree.. I find this very annoying. I hope they patch the game to lessen this somewhat as it's kind of odd.

Speaking of odd things.. here's another. When you get a mission, say to go into some asteroid field and kill some guy.. all of sudden the Rogue's and Xeno's are neutral to me. They show up as white and they totally ignore me. But as soon as I complete the mission, BAM.. they turn red and come after me. What's up with that?

Here's annoying thing #2... mining. I mean.. can't a guy have 30 seconds and try and mine. But no.. I swear there is some kind of random attack ALWAYS happening when you try and mine. I mean.. sure, mining should have some danger.. but come on. I can't fly for 15-30 seconds without getting attacked, it gets old.. very fast. And even in a protected area.. there could be 4 Navy ships flying right next to me.. the Rogue's beeline for me. The Navy ships attack them.. but all 4 Rogue fighters concentrate their fire on me totally ignoring the Navy. And rightfully so... the Navy ships couldn't hit the broadside of a battleship. I'm in a big hulking freighter and I somehow take out 4 Rogues without breaking a sweat and the Navy guys are going "No more enemy targets.. good job boys".. ya right... BUT.. you accidentally hit one of them Navy boys a couple times and all of hell comes down on you. Suddenly the Navy becomes perfect marksman and you're dead in 3 seconds... hehe...

Don't get me wrong.. I'm loving the game, and yes I know it's just a game.. there's a certain suspension of belief, but some of the flaws kinda slap you in the face sometimes. Otherwise I'm having a great time with the demo...

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