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Scavenging and scaning the system ?

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Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 3:35 pm

Scavenging and scaning the system ?

Okey.. So far I am lvl 14 in the single player and yet I haven't run into any debree field where you can scavenge guns and so on. How can you see where the debree field is ? I don't think there is an option in the navbar like there is for asteroids if they are valuable or not.

When going into a new region the map contains bases no miningbases and so on until you find them by your own. Is there a way to buy the region info like in the bar or something so that you can see everything in the navbar, like where the bases are, miningstation and so on ? to get into a debree field ?

/edit Arg almost forgot to ask. When you go into the enemy view so that you can target the enemy weapons and so on why is there no button so that you can switch between diferent weapons like you can when targeting an ally? I find it dificullt to aim its engine when i can't even see what I am choosing, and the thing that you can't rotate the enemy ship icon really gets on the nervs. I don't know if I am doing something wrong but correct me if I am ???

Edited by - Zero Kewl on 03-03-2003 15:43:12

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 4:52 pm

A level 14 and you still have not found any debris fields? Get away from allways using the tradelanes and go exploring by using waypoints set in your nav map by you. Or just set your engine to "cruise mode' and go straith away form the planets. Try diffirent directions. As far as the target system...just hit the "R" key and blast that enemy ( follow the big red arrow ) with your lasers and then on to the next one, etc. Make sure you have a full load of shield batteries when you go exploring. And when you kill something...hit the "B" key to tractor all the stuff floating around. Sometimes you will tractor in a shield battery to replace some you have used.

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 6:37 pm

Hm...I always use those damn trade routes. But can you see a debris field in your navmap, is it visible there ? Because I never was in one I wonder how does it look inside, is it just like dead ships in space or.... ?

I tryed targeting subsystems but even if I target lets say enemy gun it doesn't seem to "fall off" after all the pounding. So..if it doesn't "release" the gun or something else why is there an option for subsystems ?

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 6:51 pm

Well...the debris fields in the demo ( all I have played so far ) are made up of chunks of metal parts floating around. You can shoot some of them and tractor in the scap metal and sell it to the stations if you want. There is also some nice surprises in them! I been playing the demo with the same save game file for 18 hours game time and I found some new stuff in them this morning! So my time in the demo is not going to be wasted! When I get the full version, I will still remember where they are!

On the target may destory the item you have selected rather than knock it off the ship. I guess cargo bins will fall off a ship if you target them and then you can tractor the stuff they hold into your ship without destroying the ship. But I have never done that myself. It is best I think to just target the ship and destory it and then hit the "B" key to tractor in what it may have dropped.
The only down side I can see with this method is if you destory a pirate ship and tractor in some contraband and later get scanned by a police ship. Also once your cargo is can not tractor anything else. So in that case a individual scan of the dropped items would in order.

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