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Freelancer Review Argentina

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Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 9:52 am

Freelancer Review Argentina

For those who read spanish (or who give a flying F)... This review is in from 3dgames Argentina...

They give it a lowely 7.

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 9:55 am

u give this game a 7???? u suck sh/t!! lol j/k think what u want but we love this game.

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 9:57 am

I did not give this game a 7, the review from the website did!?

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 9:59 am

Hmmm....I wander whether it was an entirely objective review then, or perhaps I just can't take criticism about FL

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 10:03 am

agrees, I love the game.. even with its shortfalls (that I am sure will be corrected one way or another)

the review states two Cons to the game as having not enough options and limited mission types (whats new!?)

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 4:36 pm

I read the review. Maybe he's right or maybe he's wrong. I've got to play the full version to be sure.

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 4:46 pm

LOL, when I just tried to go to that site, Internet Explorer shut itself down

also, you could try to put this with a link on the forum (with the ['s)

url=[ /url[

so you can click on it like this:
Just a small thing that makes life easier for the lazy (me ) people

Edited by - Pozo on 03-03-2003 16:47:36

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 7:45 pm

Thank you Pozo, I was not sure how to make a link.. I kept using html code to try to link it

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 7:56 pm

Rough translation from AltaVista:

Speaking of ships, the single game allows us to have 1 ship at the same time, that is extremely annoying. For example after making 4 missions battle we are boring of as much battle and we want to go out to transport something or to do something of mining. So that he is profitable we needed a transport ship. We must inevitably sell our ship battle that left fortune to us and to buy a transport ship, soon to continue with the missions we must return to buy that ship battle losing good silver in the interchange. So difficult it is to make a hangar to keep ships? I do not request much, with 3-4 ships I am happy.

Man... he is grumpy, eh? And he continues on dissing the simple combat, simple weapons etc...

Best Regards
Christian "Bargib" Koerner
Editor in Chief, The Lancers Reactor

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 8:00 pm

Hehehe....I know it's the translation, but the poor English makes it sound even more whiny.

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 11:49 pm

Question should be....what sorta games DOES he like???

- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 11:56 pm

Paradise Iland perhaps ? (If I remember corectly, that was an 'other' sort of game... )

and I did the because he looks like a happy manga person

Fear me, for I am your father luke (right... )!
And yes I made this my self

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