They could balance capital ships, as long as they don't go crazy with the "what ifs" like you guys are doing. Not battleships like the Missouri, but large gunships. No crew (there's got to be at least some automation available - look at the robots on the bases), no wings of fighters to launch, no walking around inside the ship*, etc.
To balance out these "gunships" with the normal fighter ships, they wouldn't have shields, they'd have maneuverability that would make the Humpback look like a light fighter, and quite possibly couldn't use trade lanes - only jump gates could hold them. Inter-system trading would take much longer, but also much more profitable because of the extra large cargo holds. There should also be heavy freighters that COULD use trade lanes, just be many times weaker offensively than the gunships.
* Unless you can do something like this: The battleship, from the outside when you're not piloting it, is a base. I think the gas miners move around a little, so bases can move. When you dock with the ship, it'll have a ship dealer with a fighter ship available for $0, and a ship called "Enter Cockpit" for $0. The fighter would be just an average light or heavy fighter - I don't think there's a way to have the base automatically know which ship the player currently owns; for example you can't sell your Anubis to Manhattan and then come around later and see the Anubis in the store. Sorry, no docking your ship in one of these battleships, taking control of it, and then leaving with the same ship.

The "Enter Cockpit" ship would be the battleship itself. While using this ship, the player would be in control of the battleship. If I'm right, bases can move, and when a docking ship gets close enough the base opens the docking bay, the docking ship moves inside this space, and disappears, getting stored in the game's memory until they leave. That's why the player sees a cutscene instead of the actual docking procedure. It sounds complicated, but if it works how I think it does from what I've seen, then it's possible.
Edited by - Skaleus on 04-03-2003 18:04:23