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Radar? Where? and How

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Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 12:10 pm

Radar? Where? and How

Like in Elite and Frontier and First Encounter,,, we all had a radar in bottom of the screen.. now in freelancer i cant find the key to get the radar? what do i need to do so i can get a radar on my ship?

like here on this SS?

then i just have some questions, Will it be possible in the future

1. to get more system`s maybe via an Update or something? b/c in The Elite series we had 10 times more Systems then in freelancer...

2. will there be any chance for that we need to use somekinda fuel to get from system to system like in first encounter.

3. Maybe make it so when you fire your weapons within 1.0k from a police base, you will get a fine and you need to pay for your acts on the station or else you will be shot at! or something?

Im sure i have more questions or ideas but cant remember them now LOL...

Sorry my bad english hope that there will be some kinda understanding

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 12:15 pm

The radar was taken out in the latter builds.

All suggestions are possible to include in patches, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 1:09 pm

I guess the radar now is when you get within a certain range of a hostile ship it pops up in in your 'important' section of your bottom left hand readout. Then just pop on 'target closest' and have fun :-) I would have liked to have seen a true radar myself though, no idea why they took it out.



Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 1:14 pm

I don't like that fine thing. You gonna tell me if a bunch of Outcasts come and raid you outside a police base, you're just gonna run and hide? ...I'm not. I'm gonna own them all and sell their parts so I can buy a round of drinks!

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 1:50 pm

As FF mentioned the radar was removed as it blocked the 3rd person view and eventually it was decided that the targetting system the way it is now is adequate. I tend to agree since I never used the radar in previous space sims but each to his own.

Now to your other questions

1. to get more system`s maybe via an Update or something? b/c in The Elite series we had 10 times more Systems then in freelancer...

Elite did indeed have 10 times more systems, but Freelancer could not possibly hope to contend with that number of systems. Not with the detail it puts into them. It's just not feasable unless you want to wait another 10 years for it to come out.

2. will there be any chance for that we need to use somekinda fuel to get from system to system like in first encounter.

No, It's not a clone of elite.

3. Maybe make it so when you fire your weapons within 1.0k from a police base, you will get a fine and you need to pay for your acts on the station or else you will be shot at! or something?

No offense but you really do want this to be elite don't you?? Not to worry Elite 4 should only be another 1-2 years away.

I don't really run this place but I have an understanding with the people who do.

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