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Faction Question.....

This is a free discussion forum on Freelancer. This is the place to discuss Freelancer issues NOT covered by the other boards!

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 2:06 am

Faction Question.....

How exatcly do you become a rogue/pirate/lane hacker.. I mean right when you start you are a good guy, and they dont show any rogue/pirate/lane hacker docking stations to sell gear you stole from the police area's. Can anyone inform me alittle, or possibly point me to a link on the forum or webpage that can help?

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 2:29 am

There's a Rogue base just North of Manhattan in demo, and happens to have a list of bases.

The Rogues won't let you dock at first though, because you aren't friendly with them. To become friendly (or atleast neutral) with them, you'll need to please them either by shooting their enemies (i.e. , the police) or bribing one of their representatives on a neutral station.

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 3:05 am

North of manhattan , how do I know which way is north?

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