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AI and Reinforcements

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Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 1:56 am

AI and Reinforcements

This is sort of a two-part question, and deals a bit with multiplayer as well. If, for example, one went the route of a murderous pirate, and waged war on a single station (still disappointed not to be able to destroy the actual station, but nyeah) by destroying all the 'good' ships around it...

a) If I chose to then hang around the station, would traffic continue as normal, or would it respond to the fact that I'm blasting ships out of the sky (Sending less civilians, more military)?
b) How dedicated are the military/any group in pursuing a criminal? If I were considered extremely dangerous would I have to deal with relentless pursuit and increasing levels of difficulty (in terms of ships)?

I'm pretty sure this wasn't mentioned anywhere else, but of course I apologize if I'm being redundant.

"What is left when honor is lost?"
- Pubilius Syrus

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 2:06 am

Im pretty sure life would continue as normal, but if you were blasting everything in sight? Then anyone who turned up to the station would be pissed at you and your rep would be totaled with those visiting the station.

But still it really depends on which station your attacking, I mean the Navy aren't going to be particularly concerned if your holding a pirate base under siege. 1. Because they hate them 2. Because they never visit there.

If you were to attack a freeport, the locals would be the ones defending it. If you were attacking a Govt instilation you would have the local cops or military gunning for you.

I don't really run this place but I have an understanding with the people who do.

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 2:12 am

Ah, more or less as I expected. Gracias.

"What is left when honor is lost?"
- Pubilius Syrus

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