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how can this happen?

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Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 10:49 pm

how can this happen?

how come all of you are discussing problems wihch take place outside new york system and above lvl 2 when the release version is not out yet? do you guys know something alot of other ppl do not?

"trading is alot more fun when you can get there"

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 10:54 pm

The game has been out for download via various P2P programs for about a week or so. Some of us have it legally though. There are dozens and dozens of MP servers up, yet only three I know of are legit...

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 11:03 pm

Dang KaZaA! If I didn't have such high moral standards I'd download it!


Rogue Squadron: The True Force in the Galaxy!

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 11:06 pm

I've seen a few posts on various forums with links to pirated versions of Freelancer; but I've already purchased mine, and as a composer I can appreciate copyright laws.

I say, get the Demo, and if you like it buy the game. Those programmers worked their asses off to get this product running.

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 11:43 pm

I got my version through warez...i havent bought games in 4yrs

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 12:42 am

Congrats Kitty, you are one of the reasons PC games are slowly disappearing!

Good for you.

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 7:04 am

tell me bout warez
plez kitty where can i find it?

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 7:05 am

can i find the game on kazaa?

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 7:12 am

Yes, I'd like to know which P2p programs you were using.. It's neither on Kazaa nor on IMesh, and on Overnet you're behind a HUGE line!

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 7:23 am

omg warez is so full of pop-up bull****! can you tell me how to get to freelancer? i cant find it with like 2 pop up every sec!!!

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 7:30 am

it is good that not everyone knows how to get the warez, especially those kids who wanted a links or somethink like that without doing anything by themselves.

I have the warez because I cannot wait until it will be released (here in germany) and at first i wanted to buy the game, but know where i have tested it and find out that the multiplayer seems to get boring after a while i do not think i will buy it anymore.

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 12:45 pm

To people who claim to "play warez to test the games", I'd like to ask: what do you do with your warez once you've decided that it's not worthy buying? Do you:

1. uninstall the warez, destroy the warez cd, and purge its entire existence?
2. keep it installed, but still play it once in a while ?(if you rated 5.5/10, whereas you only justify buying the game if its rating is 6/10)
3. uninstall it, but keep the installer? (just in case )

most thieves I know would opt for number 2. Besides, the excuse "warez to try out" is rendered void if the demo is out before release. It's sooooo convenient just to say "it's not good enough to buy" yet keep it on your HD! Hypocrites.

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 1:13 pm

I really hope those who have it illegally pay for it when it really comes out. The developers deserve the money on this great game. We need to support future development of games of this caliber also. Please consider doing the right thing and support this game, you can easily make the money back in the long time of enjoyment this game is going to give you.



Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 1:33 pm

i 2 used to dl it all, and go for option 2, in the previous post
but after a while i got deeper into copyright stuff
having to copyright stuff myself
so i could see what i was doing, and decided for option 1, no im not kidding
first of i never ever burn Warez
so when i dont like the game i delete the iso, and deinstall the game
if i do like it enough (like freelancer)
i keep it installed. burn the iso, and get a genuine copy, this way the iso is no longer illegal (since i have an original im allowed to have a backup/copy/iso)
and place the genuine disk in a disc rack in the cellar
this way all my original CD's are untouched, so they can never get broken, scratched or damaged, this way i have all my games in mint condition.....
like i got my 0wn store

perhaps that wisdom came with age
but trust me everyone has downloaded warez in some point of their life
everyone(almost everyone) has used a copy from a friend or so, once in a while
but when you keep the copy and dont buy it , its down right stealing

DeFiAnCe Out.......

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 2:55 pm


Your wrong..not everyone has downloaded a warez copy of a game. I never have and I think most people have not. Atleast the honest ones have not. You are just trying to justifly your past steals of games. But..The gaming industry needs to go after the sites that allow this kind of stuff and the other countries in the world need to regulate the internet usage better.

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