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I need some answers

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Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 9:08 pm

I need some answers

Alright, I'm tired of going back and forth about whether or not to buy this game next week when it hits my local store. I need to make a decision. Unfortunately, I have questions that need some answers before I can do that. Please, only answer if you're sure about it; I've heard lot's of rumors now, and am having a hard time keeping my expectations real. Here are the questions:

1) Are there more random-mission templates other than "go there and kill/destroy it" and "go there, blow up their ship, and bring them back?" I'm worried that the "open-endedness" of this game could get old very quickly if it's the same missions over and over again.

2) Are the weapons and ship upgrades linear? As in, "Well, of course I'm going to upgrade to the heavy fighter level 10, since it outmaneuvers, outflys, and outguns the light fighter level 6." Or do you get to a point where there are many weapons and ships, all balanced, but all different, so you get to choose without fear of "not having the best?"

3) How's multiplayer? I would like to run a server, but only at night. Will the server state be saved inbetween server runs? Or does it reset the universe once you restart it? I've heard something about a maximum number of accounts per server in addition to a maximum number of simultaneous connections. Anyone know about this? Can a person leave a server, come back later, and still have the same stuff that he left it with?

4) How's the server lag? I've got a cable modem. Anyone try this configuration yet with the beta?

5) Is the Universe fairly static? And if so, are there enough surprises to last you a while?

6) Why don't I have a "next subtarget" option when I target enemy ships? It's hard trying to click on their thrusters when it's all moving around and I'm trying to dodge their fire. Am I doing something wrong?

Alright, that's enough for now. I'm enjoying the demo, but it's getting pretty old already, just after a couple of days. I know there's beta copies out there, so if any of those who have them would be willing to comment on any of my questions, I'd REALLY appreciate it. Thanks!


Edited by - elias4444 on 01-03-2003 21:10:59

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 9:31 pm

I'll answer what i can (based on demo and knowledge gained from the TLR/beta testers, so forth):

1. The random missions you have in the demo are pretty much what there is.
2. Well, upgrade is a must...From what i've heard there is no way to win the game (sp) perhaps even mp with a light fighter...A heavy fighter and elite fighters will blow you away in 1 salvo. The game forces you to go for the biggest ships and biggest guns.
3. sorry, still playing the demo.
4. I've asked your question, pings below 100ms are playble, perhaps up to 200ms, after that it gets weird.
5. dunno, waiting for the offical game. My guess is that after youve done the story line missions and explored every thing and did all the trades possible....there's still the MP 8)
6. About sub targets, i havn't found them that usefull against fighters, perhaps they come into their own when going after larger ships. But it would be nice to have a key to advance sub targets. Have you checked the key bindings? If there isn't such a key, perhaps one can be added in a patch.

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the darkness at Tan Hauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time like tears in rain. Time to die.

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 9:58 pm

About question #1 there are a few different missions that recquire you to be better like base destroy missions and ive even heard a rumor that there are trade missions that arent included in the beta release and that it was added as a last minute item. Just a rumor though.

*If you have a cat and a dog in the same house, will that be a problem? Of course not, you might just have solved world hunger*

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 1:40 pm

No there is no cargo missions.

its 5 type of them

1.Patrol to nav x and destroy ships
2.Assasinate one ship- person in group of few at nav point
3.Destroy a ship and use tractor beam to take a prisoner and bring a prisoner back to base
4.Destroy a ship and capture a cargo and bring it back to station
5.destroy a base or weapon platform.

I WISH for more missions like ESCORTING, TRADE, Bounty, SOS...

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