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Freelancer demo - first thoughts

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Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 7:53 pm

Freelancer demo - first thoughts

Greetings all. I am from the X2 forum (please don't prejdudice this message!) and as the release date keeps going back there, I have tried out Freelancer.

Whilst I love this type of game, I the only games I have played since Elite on my old BBC are X-Beyond the Frontier and X-Tension. Freelancer seems to also fit the mould so I gave it a go. And no, I'm not going to gripe about joystick / cockpit issues etc!

Visually, the graphics whilst not leading edge, are very smooth and professionally done, if a little in the arcade mode, and the interaction on planets and stations seems good. I need some help however. After a mission, and stuck in a debris field, I have trouble navigating to my next planet and seem to have to fly randomly until I see a planet.

Also, the enemy ship's AI seems to be quite basic - although their evasion makes sense, it seems to be too easy. My major area for help is the former however - in other games of this genre, I've always been a trader rather than a fighter. The commands to purchase goods seem to be easy enough, but without a proper grip on navigation or an idea of the systems, trading seems to be pointless, especially if the prices are fixed (I've read this - not tried it out).

This is not a criticism - upon first glance (3-4 hours playing time) the game seems good. I think I just need some help / advice on how to get the best out of it. I'm used to just being able to strike out on my own, and whilst this is possible within the demo after the first mission is complete, I'm wondering if this is possible in the full game or whether the story will force you in one specific direction.

Comments welcome please - thanks!

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 8:07 pm

I dont know what to tell you, im a little stumped on the trading part of the game too. In the demo it seems there arent any major trade routes. There are minor trade routes like planet pittsburg to planet manhattan, but there is only a small profit on that. In the mmorpg Earth and Beyond, the trading is static but simple. There are vendors that tell you where to take certain goods for the best profit, and so its overall, simple and straightforward. Maybe when the full version of the game comes out, i might understand a bit better.

*If you have a cat and a dog in the same house, will that be a problem? Of course not, you might just have solved world hunger*

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 8:14 pm

Ok..the navigation is very easy if you use the map. Just click on your place to go on the map and select "set best path". Or you can use the "goto" function after selecting the spot on the map you want to go to when your in space. When your in the light "purple" colored diamond and then select "goto" or "dock". If it is a tradelane...your dock with it and move very quickly to your next stop. If is not a can get into "cruise" mode by selecting your waypoint and hit the "goto".

In Freelancer you will have all the freedom you want, to do whatever you want with the exception some of the systems will not be available until you do the story missions. But after you finish the story...all of the Freelancer universe will be at your finger tips to explore to your heart's content and at your own pace.

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 8:18 pm


The trading in Freelancer is very easy and can be very productive. When you buy a item look down to the left of the trade window and you will see a list of the item and the places that item is bought and the selling price. After a few will see just how simple it is. Very easy. Freelancer is best enjoyed if you get out and do some will open up a lot more opportunities for you.

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 8:30 pm

Also, the enemy ship's AI seems to be quite basic - although their evasion makes sense, it seems to be too easy.

The problem is that the story mission (and pretty much all mission computer missions you can get at level 1) only pit you against extremely easy foes.

If you want a taste of what the AI is like on medium levels, head into the Badlands in the "South" of the system.

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 7:39 am

Thanks all for your help and guidance. I'm off to put them into practice.

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 7:56 am

Aye, the badlands are a mess of angry AI pilots...

Edited by - ElectricBrain on 02-03-2003 07:59:02

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 11:55 am

In the demo it seems there arent any major trade routes.

Trust me there are a lot better trading routes in the demo than the Manhatten - Pittsburg run. You have to go a little of the beaten track and into some of the shadier areas of New York though.

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