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What the hey and ships to...

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Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 4:37 pm

What the hey and ships to...

So when you finally have gotten your Titan VHF, what do you do next? You have the best ship in the universe (except for the battleships). Shouldn´t there be pros and cons with ever ship so that you can´t have THE best. Like a heavy ship shouldn´t have the same manuevering capabilities as a lighter one, due to different aspects. This way it would be more about refitting your ship (depending on the situation) and being good at manuevering.

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 8:44 pm

Heavier ships DONT maneuver as well as light fighters.

There are different shield types which do better or worse agaisnt other types of weapons.

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Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 9:34 pm

I cant have the BEST ship in the game.
If you look carefull each ship has her + or - ... (I'm talking about advanced levels in the game).

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 11:09 pm

Okay, I was hoping that would be the case. But there must be a configuration that works almost every time. Since there are weapon levels some would be THE best. This kinda gives the game a limit which everyone is out to reach. I think it should be harder to get a hold of the better equipment, than just entering a store that´ll happily sell you anything. Gah, I will play the game some more before I start yapping on about things like this, but there is a certain Earth & Beyond feel to it.

"Learn a man to make fire and he´ll be warm for the day. Put a man on fire and he´ll be warm for the rest of his life" - Unknown

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 11:18 pm

When you do the game and got the best of the best you go make a charictor and conquer the net. well thats what ill be doing.( if any one wana help me conquer Bretonic or briton just ask )

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 11:47 pm

Sure thing Count me in!

Just got me an idea. I would have split the ships into three classes.

The fighters should be small and very manuvereble. No cargo.

Very clumsy and big ships. Should have automated turrets (maybe a gun in the front). Gigantic cargo holds

A blend of freighters and fighters. Should have almost no cargo space though. But they should pack alot of punch. A main gun and maybe some automated turrets.

The battleships should still be there although not manuverable since that would require an enormous crew. Some eq. shouldn´t be allowed on the market and could be earned serving for ex. the Navy. A possible loss of these eq. could be an idea in the case you stop working for the associated faction. Let´s say you decide to explore the universe after been working for the LSF some time. You have just got hold of their space distortion gun, but since you haven´t returned to them in a while they want the gun back. Sure you could refuse but then they would hunt you down and take it anyways. Well well, that´s some of my crazy ideas. Time for some sleep! Peace!

"Learn a man to make fire and he´ll be warm for the day. Put a man on fire and he´ll be warm for the rest of his life" - Unknown

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 12:06 am

great ok ill make some plans every one knows Bretonic guys could beat every one else

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 4:44 am


p.s. any body want to join the bretonic navy contact me and i might make a clan in a server to defend the bretonian systems. contact me at [email protected]

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