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How do you use Turrets?

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Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 8:07 pm

How do you use Turrets?

Ok, when i equip a turret, its nice i guess as another weapon mount. But how do i get them to fire automatically. I would like to unbind it from my main guns and have it target and fire automatically.

I cant figure out how to do this. Whats the point of having turrets if they are acting like other guns.

I heard somewhere that you can have a "turret view" what is that? It would suck to go into a turret while flying and shoot it, because then you would loose the ability to pilot and shoot your other weapons.

If somebody could tell me how to set up turrets or what key is used to set them on automatic i would be very happy. Thanks

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 8:25 pm

AFAIK, you can't set up turrets like that... could make for a good mod though! Yeah, basically you have to go into turret view, and the turret can fire 360 degrees. I agree... it's not good. For a mod, it would be nice if you could set the turret to auto aim (not sure if that's really possible), and set a priority direction, like to the right if you're circling a cap ship, or behind to deter tail-gaters.

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 8:39 pm

Turrets really come in handy when you're flying a freighter. If you get attacked, just target the nearest trade lane and hit "Go To", then go to turret mode and blast those pesky Rogues while they follow you.

As far as with a fighter, the only real good use I see for them is if you got someone on your tail, switch to turret mode, hit them with a few shots, then switch back. Should only take a few seconds, and you'll get a very good shot because they won't be moving around quite as much.

Stormtrooper Tactics 101: Okay class, repeat after me. "There he is! Blast em!" Very good.

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