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I still prefer I-War 2

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Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 4:18 pm

Are the graphics better in Iwar2 or Freelancer?

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 4:41 pm

Dpends on your point of view. I think that i-War 2 actually has the edge in terms of technical graphics, but I much perfer FL's graphics even though they're slightly lower quality

Space is just so beautiful in FL

"If this is what you want to do, you'll do it, no matter how long it takes..........and usually the longer it takes the more fun you've had!"

Post Sun Mar 02, 2003 4:47 pm

In respects to Freelancer being Cartoonish, stop thinking 1 dimensional. Freelancer is cartoonish, but not in the common sense, it's cartoonish because it's simplistic, there is no deep substance to the game, basically what you see is what you get with Freelancer. That's why it was originally written as partly cartoonish.

In respects to IWar2 vs Freelancer:

As it's been said before, Freelancer has no relation to IWar2. First of all IWar was about flying a ship through space to accomplish a goal.

Freelancer is about pointing and clicking your way through dogfights and jump gates.

Comparing the two is impossible because they are completely different games. Just because they are both set in space doesn't mean they have a relation. For the love of god in IWar you actually commanded your ship, in Freelancer you're the pilot because you no say over anything in your ship save what you put into it(Cargo, Guns, Ammo, Engines and Shields) and where it goes. You're a good damn pilot, IWar puts you in actual command over a space ship.

Freelancer is meant to be a long-distance arcade game, simple as that. It's target audience are the people who missed (or didn't understand) Elite and games after it that came close to matching it in concept (Hardwar I'm told is a good one, X was good too once you got past the first hurdle. Also on a side note, Privateer was between Freelancer and Elite, it was meant to be an Elite on more basic terms with a non-realistic flight model and simplier combat system), but couldn't get over the hurdle it took to learn Elite and really play it effectly. So instead you get Freelancer, open universe adventure at it's most basic level to the point where even someone computer illerterate could play the game. Which is a good thing, now hopefully there will be a rise of interested in the genre and we can get more in depth games in the future.

Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 5:11 am


Post Mon Mar 03, 2003 5:16 am

Independece War 2

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