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Space combat techniques

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Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 3:10 pm

Space combat techniques

Anyone have any effective combat techniques to share?

I've always been used to Flying toward my target, and gunning until he moves off screen, but fighting that way gets kind of lame at times.

One thing I've found very useful in the demo, was that I would line up my target, and as he thrusts away from me, I follow with my thrusters, firing when in range. Then, when he turns and begins his suicide run straight at me(they all seem to do this in the demo!) just before it looks like he's going to hit me, I hit the brake reverse. If you hit it at the right time and hold it for a few seconds the target will seem to hover in front of you, then you can strafe around him as he makes his turn, and pound the snot out of him. I've found that I can make my kill about three times faster using this technique. The only drawback is that my gun energy is used up quickily, because the target is almost always in range of my guns, so I rarely have to stop firing.

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 3:16 pm

Nice tip, thanks.

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 3:37 pm

I've enjoyed using the Rhino class freighter in the demo.

I've mapped my turret view button right next to my standard awsd format. When engaging an nme, and he turns sharply to either my left and right I like to immediately flick to turret view and strafe him as he twists and turns away. Quick flick back to standard mode, then follow after him thru his turn.

I've also remapped my shield battery and nanobot keys, so as I have easier access to em.

When pirating, I like to set an emergency waypoint, that'll take me out of any possible skirmish if things go bad. If it all goes pear shaped, i use the "goto" command, then immediately switch to turret mode to fire behind me.

I've been practicing dropping mines, then trying to fire and detonate em as an nme passes by em. Not too sure exactly how effective this is, tho.. :/

I've also adjusted my mouse ensitivity so as to give me a smooth, steady roll, as I find it easier to keep turret fire locked on a target like that.

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 7:57 pm

I'm betting I'm not the only one, but I use w,a,s,d for turning and pitch and q and e for strafes (though I rarely strafe). Then in combat I don't switch to the freeflight mode. Since the enemy does like to attack you head long this is useful in the sense that you can attack and evade (ie because your ship if no longer following your mouse) and it gives you the ability to attack at an angle. I found this pretty useful in third person against multiple enemies because you can see more easily where you are being attacked from and evade accordingly. I found I take much less damage against the AI using this form, but as I mentioned in another post, its a little bit harder to follow a ship with the wasd then it is with the mouse freeflight. Different folks, different strokes. Another evasion tactic I found useful is to shut off your engines and tap the afterburner. This basically gives you unlimited afterburning keeping a speed around 200. Since I can fire at angles I'll do this and sort of orbit around my enemies firing at angles... kind of fun, but not necesarily practical.

btw, I'll have to try your reverse thrust thingy.

Edited by - sellout b1tch on 28-02-2003 19:59:42

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 11:03 pm

Strafing the oposite direction you're turning tightens your turn radius DRAMATICLY. Unfortunately, since you can't roll, you cannot take advantage of this to assist up/down turns.

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 12:09 am

I fight "Elite 2 - Frontier" style most of the time. I shut down my engines and do all the course corrections with thrusters. The advantage is that you often find yourself floating parallel to an enemy while you can keep shooting at him. Further you can do course changes without flying arcs like you would do with engines. The enemies can't keep up well with all those surprising zickzacks. It also is some sort of turret substitute for ships that don't have any. You can fly away from foes, to them or sideways while keeping the guns on the target, allowing for much more defensive moves while staying in the offense. Last but not least it gives you two thirds of cruising speed at max, while your guns stay operating. The classic rule: speed vs. strength = speed wins. Works for me.


"In all likelihood you're going to die out there. We're all going to die out there, but none of us needs to be reminded of that fact. So you die, you never existed." - Lt. Cmdr. 'Angel' Devereaux

Post Sat Mar 01, 2003 12:16 am

When an enemy thrusts away from you, don't thrust after him. He will turn around and head straight towards you(if you thrust after him he will most likely not turn around, but just turn sharply to one side). When he gets close enough (which isn't that close really) let loose a missile. It will hit every time (if you time it right of course). Don't forget to continue blasting away with your main guns though :p If you want, drop a mine at the same time. I haven't had very reliable success with mines though.


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