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Comments on Freelancer simulator design and universe.

This is a free discussion forum on Freelancer. This is the place to discuss Freelancer issues NOT covered by the other boards!

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 4:04 pm

It takes a long time to get going in XBF? You got to be kidding! I have the game . Played it, finished it and it was a good game , but.. comparing XBF to Freelancer is like comparing a Yugo with a Lexus. They are both cars but we all know which is far better!

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 4:07 pm

ähm starlancer is no space sim O_o

btw tiger, did you have played both games
I didn´t ^_^

anyway even if x would be the worst game ever made, it might have still some great functions that could have been used

Edited by - Apocalypse on 26-02-2003 16:10:28

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 4:11 pm

it's mad to think that since Elite, no space trader piloting sim even close this one... and here again, despite wonderful graphisms and shines, FL fails to be the new ultimate reference due to LAZINESS in certain aeras...

However, the Elite concept was so genuine it kept the attention of millions gamers for long time... one word : DYNAMICS is what is all about... no problem if there is a main plot but if the universe behaves dynamicaly, the game become a dream for the gamers.. remember :

- dynamic trading system
- open start : one pitiful ship and few bucks to conquer the whole univers
- dynamics events
- surprise (what is this huge alien ship?)
- risky business or by the book trade carreer : you want to make big money? get some drugs from a pirate outpost or an anarchy... but bevare, roads are truly more dangerous...
- alien artefacts and new stuff to sell
- one system and the good old LAVA planet system open door to the HUGE UNIVERSE !
- incredible gameplay : you started with a ****craft, you even had to dock in manual ! (this was a so good idea) until you get some bucks (and it was hard, long and risky : but so good immersively)
- real spaceship model (inertia/original piloting...)

IN FL, all seems to be too easy, too simple.... like this game is designed for LAZY gamers... it should have been fine with me IF there was also an advanced (more real, more difficult and more fun) option for the true fans... but not.... it a real shame after so much wait... we waited for a super wider and openended privateer... what a deception....

Edited by - Spacepilot Borodine on 26-02-2003 16:12:23

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 4:14 pm

It takes a long time to get going in XBF? You got to be kidding! I have the game . Played it, finished it and it was a good game , but.. comparing XBF to Freelancer is like comparing a Yugo with a Lexus. They are both cars but we all know which is far better!

Yes, XBTF is. Althought the game lacked a good storyline, the gameplay of it beats FL by tenfold. U could do so many cool things in that game.

I am looking forward to X2, small developers who get success almost always makes a good sequel to their success. Freelancer was on my top 5 for most wanted games along with Sea Dogs 2, Master of Orion 3, Gothic 2 and X2. Now luckily MOO3 is out and I am gonna play it now. MS gets no money from me this time, I don't even care to finish the game.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 4:20 pm

OP: Your name needs changing ASAP - Else I have to change your name!

Best Regards
Christian "Bargib" Koerner
Editor in Chief, The Lancers Reactor

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 4:23 pm


OP, stop talking about X2 or XBTF...Please. This is a Freelancer Fan Forum. If you feel the need to talk about X2, then go the egosoft for crying out loud.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 4:24 pm

True Apocalypse. All of the negative issues expressed here should be brought to the attention of Freelancer's DA team. I would think they would be much concerned about how the players like or dislike Freelancer. I know I would be.
For anyone to say the game can not be changed, is mistaken. Look at how Diablo2 was changed with the xpansion pack and patches. But it really bugs me when these guys who played the illegal copies of Freelancer give a negative review of the game. Such actions they have done will only make it much harder for us honest gamers to get our issues addressed. It would a lot better if they just kept thier mouths shut!

Edited by - WhiteTiger on 26-02-2003 16:24:45

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 4:25 pm

yeah... Seadogs 2 is the next hope for ol' trader like me... time to go back in time and see if this planet earth in her swashbuckling period would be the trade sim i waited so much in FL...

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 4:33 pm

BTW: I'm going to click this topic pr. the issues raised earlier. Anger over that - feel free to mail me!

Best Regards
Christian "Bargib" Koerner
Editor in Chief, The Lancers Reactor

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