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Thoughts from a guy that didn''t hear about the game(much)

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Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 5:56 am

Thoughts from a guy that didn''t hear about the game(much)

Since there is only so many opinions on this game from people that have been phsyced about the game since the beginning, I thought it would be interesting to hear it from someone that just balantly picked it out from a pond

Note that I have heard absolutely nothing about the game, just a faint memory of the name.

***********SPOILERS MAYBE AHEAD**********

When I received the game from shipping two or three days ago, from a games reviewing project which is under development, it felt just like any other linear game. Shortly I figured that I can do other things with the NPCs than just get rumours off of them, heh.

While I played the game constantly over the few days, it immediatly came over mind. . . a "lite" and short Morrowind in space. By short, the story was just a shoot through. The game did a pretty good job making you feel insecure of whats going to happen, while it turns out that you'll be just fine. . . unless you stay with your original equipment. After the story, there isn't so much appealing to do, which leads to the lite part. Random missions is a great addition, increasing the playtime, but not really much a variety. More things really need to happen in this. . . well, universe, to make it REALLY non-linear(which lead me to believe this after the story). Random missions are just plain bland, and seems like a cake walk everytime I go through one. I want to join the military, wage war, pursuit people, escort a convoy, hell, even become a part of the convoy! The only appealing mission is where you have to destroy a installation nearby, but doesn't feed my hunger.

Story is definately top-notch, kept me playing so long, and I love to explore a game's universe. If you are expecting a booming non-linear world, don't get your hopes too high. But in exploration of a game's possibilities and universe? Definately for you. All aside, an excellent crafted game, reccommended buy, giving it an 8.5 out of 10.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 6:00 am

Nicely written. I agree with your likes and dislikes. Even privateer had a bit more variety in the random missions...but hey maybe they'll release a "mission pack" of sorts to buff up the random missions later on. For now I'm just flying every ship possible and messing with my rep.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 6:00 am

Eh, decent review...

Just kidding, it sounds about right. Exactly my thoughts.

Edited by - The Mole on 26-02-2003 06:21:58

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 1:27 pm

Thanks for posting Ali, it's nice to know what a non-fan thought of the game.

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 12:42 am

Very nice review, showing the highs and lows of FL.

I might wait till there is a patch/expansion put out, giving much more detail/depth to the universe.

Thanks again.

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 1:51 am

Patches aren't for adding content, usually. So don't hold you breath that something big is going to happen a week after release.

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 1:58 am

Well then could you care to explain what's everyones beef about the random missions?

I hear they are really lacking? When I first heard there will be many different types of missions?

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 2:19 am

There is diffirent kinds of missions. Just not ones some people are looking for like.."escort", "take said item to said location ", etc. All the missions have something to do with combat. Some will have you destory a ship and tractor the lifepod into your ship and take it back to the base. So it is not allways a "kill" mission.


Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 5:44 am

Its practically the same, WhiteTiger. Go out, kill 3 fighters, then kill the next wave(you could just kill one, but cruising out of there would just make the remaining shoot cruise disruptors), then go back. I picked up the habit of always using the tractor beam after I kill a fighter, anyways. The only difference is that you have to tractor, and go back to the mission issued base. This isn't "catch the robber" or bounty hunting at all.

Thanks all for the compliments. Will try to get the real in-depth review out there soon.

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 3:16 pm

The review is an interesting point of view (non-long-time-fan), but I have to disagree GREATLY about there not being much to do after the story ends.....that's when you can do the most. I seriously doubt you would see new mission types before some sort of expansion pack (hopefully we'll get one or more). I just don't get the feeling that DA will be given the oportunity (by MS) to give away added features as freebies. I could be wrong (and hope I am).


Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 1:24 am

Yes, you can do alot. But the game doesn't offer you the possibilities. Jacked a transport with alot of contraband? Hurrah! Killed the entire Rhienland Military? Yay! Does the game aknowledge you did any of that? . . . nope.

What made Morrowind shine is that it offers the variety, reputation, and aknowledgement. Kill a whole town, and everybody knows you. An assasination where you put poison into a consul's din din? Yep. Expertly steal a great wizard's ebony staff? Its there.

Take out all of the quests from Morrowind, and it will be just like Freelancer. It feels as though the developers don't want us to do anything else.


Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 3:37 pm

there are allways going to be dissapointments about a game

i wouldnt compare it to morrowind though, as RPG has been done since IBM-XT's
and space sim wasnt half as popular as people make it out to be

just cause some of us played galaga at pinball parlours dosnt make us space sim fans.... anyways....

if you want variety in the missions like escorts etc.... why dont give the missions to yourself tag a transport that you deem worthy and formate with it escort it they will even say "looks like we're not the only ones going to *****"
and they will say thanks when they get to their destination.... and you will be aknowledge of this as your reputation goes up with which ever faction that transport belonged too ...

so the moral of the my story is ....YOUR ALL WRONG !! nono really what i mean is give it a chance as it IS dinamic although you cant take out a whole planet as you would take out a town in morrwind ... why? cause you can fly around in a death-star now can you !!!

iam not a priest from the temple of digital anvil, i do find some things that iam dissapointed by, but taking in the fact that this game goes back 4 years ( not many games make out alive if they do ) this game ROCKS MY WORLD!!! no MY GALAXY!!!!

and i dont doubt that this style of space sim is a revolution at its birth cant wait till its a couple of years old, perhaps this will be castle wolfenstein for doom3

who knows but please explore the game for longer than just a few hours and go out on your own you create things that happen dont wait for someone to ask you to do soemthing

ok enough from me sorry if i offended or poiled but this random mission thing is geting to me

************SPOILER AHEAD !!***********************

i was in a bar of a ceratin faction and read the news bulliten.... and it said a certain member of a faction was looking for someone and a reward fo 6 million credits went to the finder

theres no mission but ..... i will look just in case

Post Fri Feb 28, 2003 4:28 pm

Yeah I think Fl will be fine! Their will be things to come for it in the future like add on's so on! But for now enjoy the full version when it's release next week and when the time comes for other things they will. But eaither way FL going to be the big surprise for the next couple of month's and their will be more and more FL server's coming online!

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