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Free vs ezpad demo

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Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 9:33 am

Free vs ezpad demo

Does anyone know what files are different in those two demos (Fileplanet ezpad / MS Free)? I suspect Freelancer.exe - however it'd be great if someon who downloaded both versions could verify this.
Also it woould be great if someone could email me the "free" freelancer.exe - or even better make it available for download (maybe on TLR?) so we don't have to download the full 150MB again just to get rid of that annoying protection sceme.


Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 12:35 pm

Emailing a 150Mb file is quite impossible, your mail server would piss itself laughing if it saw an email of that size. You should however see a few mirrors on the front page for the "free" version. I seriously doubt there will be any difference between the two though.

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 12:43 pm

I think he just means the exe that starts the game
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Freelancer Trial\EXE\Freelancer.exe"
which is only 2.3 mb

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 1:31 pm

Exactly, I'd never ask for a 150MB email - 2.13 MB should be possible though.
Anyway I'm not sure that the protection really resides in freelancer.exe but it may be worth a try if this can save you a 150MB download....

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 1:33 pm

Hey check my new topic for the fix.

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 2:20 pm

I don't think that LR could host a pirated file like that ... if File Planet found out they'd certainly sick the lawyers on it ASAP!

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 2:26 pm

I know it can be a pain but, how about download the free demo from MS all over again... while you are sleeping at night... than, unistall the ezpad one and install the free one from Microsoft.

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 2:39 pm

Well it's not a pirated file really - it's just a file that you can download in the 150MB package from MS as well.
But when you have all other files of that package already it's nice to be able to d/l just the file you need - especially if you have a slow connection or have to pay per MB...

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 2:44 pm

Plus the new demo has the second part of the first mission included! You can now go above the 28k limit for money too.

I can't believe the way we were all raped by Fileplanet for that other demo! I'm downloading the new version as I write this. God only knows what miserable loads of SPAM e-mail I'm going to have to endure for selling my soul to Fileplanet for their half-assed demo.

(I'm blowing things out of proportion here a little bit, but it still irritates me!)

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 2:49 pm

@PCHolt ... really, I haven't tried that with the new demo, that's good news!

@Doc ... techinacally correct, but I guess I'll just let the administration decide that point ... I'm not really here to argue Fileplanet's right to screw the public

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 2:50 pm


I am glad I waited for the good demo from MS ! It only took me about 27 mins to download it last night. And has installed and played flawless so far. So far my impression of the demo? .....awesome.

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 3:08 pm

Hey Guibs that is exactly what I did,& since it was with a download manager the computer was turned off when the download was finished.

Anyway,I have tried BOTH,& I have noticed somewhat of an oddity.It seems that the differences that I have found so far are the following ;

1.More complete dialog for Trent ;Trent use to say ,"Got anything for me" when asking for info but now he say,"Hi,can you tell me what's going on around here" when entering someplace new & asking for info.

2.There seems to be an additional base in this demo call Ageira Munitions in the fileplanet demo it was just a Jump gate.

3.The Xenos are more of a threat in this game as well as the Rogues if one ship engages you they almost always seem to call for back-up now.The rogues are still pretty easy though but the weapons of the Xenos seem to cut through gravitron shields like butter.

I don't know if this is true or not but it seems to me that the demo from Fileplanet must have been an early build of Freelancer since some people seem to have had problems running the game & judging from the said differences.There was even a time for me it tried to use the Microsoft Internet explorer error reporting tool because the game crashed due to a file named alchemy.dll which seems like more of a beta testing approach not a polished release of a demo.

Anyway haven't tried the money limit thing yet will see & let you know what happen.
Hopefully you can go to level 2 so I can finally fly the Liberty Defender,muahahaha.

Edited by - Rheinland Destroyer on 25-02-2003 15:17:07

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 3:40 pm

Actually, I found the munitions station on the early FP demo, so I don't think that's new.

The news about the second part of the mission being available on the new demo, and the info about being able to go over 28k in credits is posted on TLR's home page under the list of available mirror sites to download. Check it out if you don't believe it.

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 4:12 pm

Well..I did not play the ezpad demo of FL because I refuse to be Hijacked by Fileplanet! But I have heard of players complaining about the graphics in the ezpad demo . Man....I think the graphics in the MS demo are wonderful! the best I have seen in a space flight game. And I played the demo of Imperium Galactica III, which has great graphics. But Freelancer's graphics in the demo are just as good and the attention to the small details is awesome! I do know the readme file had a large list of graphic issues listed with some video cards. Mine is nothing specail tho...Geforce4 MX440 and the game plays silky smooth with all the details maxed out.

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 4:15 pm

Hmm, well just d/l'd the free trial version, and the graphics do look a bit sharper and less washed out than in the earlier demo... but that may be me just justifying the download hehe

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