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Things I think could be changed for increased FUN!

This is a free discussion forum on Freelancer. This is the place to discuss Freelancer issues NOT covered by the other boards!

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 2:49 pm

I hope that freelancer will sell good enough, so the they can make a sequel that have it all. The reason for this is that now they have the "base"of the game (which with just with some more mission types and other minor things is very good) they "could" create the greatest privateer-like game ever!

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 3:11 pm

well fl was planed to be a trilogie like SL right?
so hope it sells good enough.

and well its not really a bad game, but they missed a lot stuff, and I think they have done this on purpose partly, lets see if FL 2 comes out in 2004, than we can be sure

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 3:26 pm

i know it was already note but :

1/ A DYNAMIC TRADING SYSTEM (even in a basic form) !
2/ option patch - ADVANCED gamer (with the removing of all the automatic process (docking, formation etc...) and others LAZY things (static trade/no regeneration shield for AI pilots/ must follow history starting...) which decrease the whole interest of a superb and technically perfect game)
3/ a way to start the game OPEN ENDED without the story plot (like in multi)... you have one rotten spaceship and few bucks and it's up to you to become whatever you want to be...

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 5:22 pm

Spacepilot Borodine,
1\I wouldn't mind having Dynamic Trading but it would be good of you can turn it on/off in the options.
2\ I don't understand how you mean "manual docking". It's supposed to be that way like it was in Starlancer and other games. It doesn't make the game easier. As for manual formation, just don't press the formation button and fly by the ship you want to follow. I already spoke about Dynamic Trade. I guess there would be a difficulty options in game. Correct me if I am wrong. If yes, I am sure you can toggle AI shield refill. You just HAVE to follow the storyline as it directly concerns you. Anyway, when you finish the game, you could continue playing without the storyline so you could see how annoying it would be (of course you might as much like it).


Bazil, M. P.
Webmaster and founder of Roughnecks -Freelancer Division
"If you would care to follow me... " -- DEATH of the Discworld

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 5:57 pm

A few things that I really wish were changed/included are:

1. Automated turrets, because I've always wanted to turn a Galaxy into a gunship . They could be implemented in a way that doesn't overpower them; make the AI for turrets less accurate (Maybe buy upgrades for targeting), have enemies hit ships with lots of turrets first with concentrated firepower etc.

2. I don't like how each empire's ships increase in quality with Liberty at the bottom and Rheinland at the top (With, of course, some of the other factions in-between). I know it's because of the where the storyline takes you, but I would've liked it better if each empire's ships were of all the same quality (i.e. So a Defender wouldn't be outclassed in every aspect by a Valkyrie) just each with their own advantages/disadvantages. This way your early ships wouldn't be any of the empires ships, but maybe independent or civilian until you could afford one of the empires ships. Or maybe each of the empires ships could upgrade their armor and power rating and cargo capacity over time, so by the time you've finished the main story, you could come back to Liberty and their ships attributes would've been upgraded to being equivilent, though I don't mean they would all be the same, they would each have their own advantages and disadvantages to give them uniqueness.

3. And...crap, I forgot my third one


Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 6:03 pm

1\I wouldn't mind having Dynamic Trading but it would be good of you can turn it on/off in the options.

>>>> i agree thousand time on that... sad that creators choosed to scrap this very important feature for a great part of their fans...

2\ I don't understand how you mean "manual docking". It's supposed to be that way like it was in Starlancer and other games. It doesn't make the game easier.

>>>> in Elite, with the physic model, you had to turn at the same rate with the rotating station to enter the spaceport... it was pretty tricky but also very well done... and this evolutive gameplay was very enteirtaining until you get sufficient funds to buy a automatic docking tool...

You just HAVE to follow the storyline as it directly concerns you. Anyway, when you finish the game, you could continue playing without the storyline so you could see how annoying it would be (of course you might as much like it).

>>>> yes but, it should have also an open way to begin the sim without to pass through the plot and its "boring" tutorial-like begining... like for exemple, if you don't accept the plot 1st mission, guys in the bar who could loan you a sh-tcraft to begin an open game by yourself and you would have to do some business to reimburse him with the possibility to reinsert the main plot missions if/when you want it...

all in all options for "elite" like fans are missing, and it's very frustrating after a so long wait... that's all...

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 11:35 pm

The mod Tachyon announced over in the editing forum looks really promising, if you haven't looked at the design proposal go over there now.

Post Thu Feb 27, 2003 9:35 am

I definately agree on the ships aspect described a few posts up. Although it was fair enough to have ship quality increase as the storyline progresses, thats acceptable as it is needed for storyline progression. But in MP mode, this makes things a bit strange. I mean, the Liberty system is meant to be as powerful as any other Colony out there, however their ships just plain bite. They get taken down in no time flat.

It would be great to have a slightly wider selection of ships, or more headroom for upgrades/modifications. Having all the powerful ships come from a single Colony is a bit silly. There should be a bit more balance.

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