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Things I think could be changed for increased FUN!

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Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 5:35 am

Things I think could be changed for increased FUN!

A) I think they should make the friend foe system a little less sensitive.
Make market prices randomly change after a sertan time.
C) Make all cargo ships carry cargo.......and once the ship docks it destination, make it delete its cargo so on they way back its you the feeling its really doing cargo runs.

D) have to be able to buy drinks at a BAR! for the love of god! My doctor told me to keep my fluide levels up so I DEMAND this to be in the game!

E) Make microsoft ship a happy brain scanner with every copy of FL. When you play FL u must wear this happy scanner. If you fall to unhappy while playing FL it automaticly makes you CD ROM go crazzy.......spinning the cd so fast it explodes and teaches all unhappys a lession!.


Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 6:43 am

A) What do you mean a little less "sensitive"?

They scrapped dynamic pricing a while ago, it's a shame but I think trading could have gotten too complex with it.

C) That wouldn't be too hard, but really, how many people actually follow every single NPC transport to verify that it's doing what it says it's doing?

D) They'd need new speech and sounds for this and the game is already finished.

E) Let's skip this one, I like my CD burner

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 8:04 am

What I mean with the that ships randomly get loaded with cargo......don't matter what cargo...........then on it way back it has none. Thats not really dynamic. It would make the game more real like x-tension. I say this because Iv heard people say that some ships just go back and forth will full cargo....makes no scence.......and some with none.

Im not talking about dynamic pricing like x-tension.........i mean just random flux with prices............that just the cpu picking ramon numbers between say 50 and 500. Know what i mean.

I can't believe you scraped my brain scanner idea!

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 8:34 am

C) That wouldn't be too hard, but really, how many people actually follow every single NPC transport to verify that it's doing what it says it's doing?

Perhaps you have never met Max Steele. There is a whole read on just this topic.

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 9:29 am

Seen Steele, he's obsessed with those things

Unusual though, I never even knew that the transports did that before he brought it up.

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 12:46 pm

Having the prices randomly change after a certain period of time would just serve to annoy. That would mean once you had figured out a few good trade routes they'd suddenly become unprofitable for no particular reason at all.

With the old system it was supposed to be based on supply and demand, which meant if you were constantly making the same cargo run all the time the price slowly drop until it wasn't worth it anymore and you'd have to search for a new one. I get that, but having them just suddenly change...well as I said it would just be frustrating.

I'd prefer to leave it as is, but that's just me.

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 8:35 pm

A) I think by 'sensative' he means not have everything go hostile if you accidnetly hit a neutral with a single shot. There does seem to be a point where the game seems to be waiting for you to make a mistake so it can pound you good.

I think this could have been done in a rather simple manner. use the base prices as they are now. Now build a +/- % system that allows random system to system fluctuations of up to +- 20% system wide every 3-6 game hours. Make 5% changes common, 10% rare and 20% VERY rare. This wouldn't be enough to totally trash most trade routes (but it could). It would just add some variet to trading, IMO.

C) While this is a bit unrealistic, does it really matter that much? As a bounty hunter or trader, you shouldn't care one way or another. As a pirate, you should really just find the one's with good stuff and blast them. I would say a hobby in "Freighter Spotting" just doesn't sound too exciting.

D) Do what I do. Get a beer (or beverage of your choice) and take a swig every time Trent gives an "afirmative" answer....after a few bar hops you won't care how repetative the converation is nor that he can't buy a drink (or that you just spilled MGD on your new N50 controller...)

E) So you don't realize they already have this installed? <Mr. Brurns> Exxxcellent. </Mr. Burns>

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 8:45 pm

the 5th one could be good but if you playing and your wingmate who you fought with all the game crashed into the sun by mistake you woud get al little unhappy

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 8:47 pm

I covered this stuff in my FL2 post days ago.

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 10:38 pm

A) I think by 'sensative' he means not have everything go hostile if you accidnetly hit a neutral with a single shot. There does seem to be a point where the game seems to be waiting for you to make a mistake so it can pound you good.

That doesn't happen. I shot some Liberty police and they didn't react. I launched a missle at him and I got the whole New York system on my butt. So can't call shooting someone with a missle an accident anymore.

"God bless this acid house!"
"I was near the scene of another crime at the time, officer."

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 10:59 pm

How about if you started with a Wing Mate called maby Richard Lord who got his ship blown up at begining as well. And you could split up in parts of the game one could go with the law and one could go against and then you could end you fighting each other near end of game or somthing. Just a thought

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 11:10 pm

@ Wizard - What was your faction rating with them when you did that? If it was fairly good, that's what should happen. If it was close to mid point or a bit below hitting a tradelane gate with a stray shot can set them off. It DOES happen. i've seen quite a few of the beta testers even comment on being careful about fighting around bases & tradlane gates in areas where you are neutral to the locals.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 2:34 am

Add a screen to customize your ship, a built in skin editor to add your simple decal - make the affair more personal.

Make more types of upgrades for ships, engine, armor, and so forth.

Shake up the ship speeds so turning rate isn't the only change in handling.

Change the weapons to create greater imbalances(advantage/disadvantage) from model to model.

Dynamic economy.

Make factions that hate you go out of their way to kill you like the assasins in Daggerfall.

Add convoy duty missions to the job board.

Introduce illegal tech to the pirate bases that you can buff your ship up with (like Escape Velocity.)

Make Combat more lethal for you and thus much riskier.

Make addons like wing extensions that give you more mounts but are easily broken off.

Let you demand a target to surrender cargo.

Make it possible to disable subsytems like engines on freighters.

Introduce random missions to blow up heavy infrastructure.

Add random generated illegal missions where you have to smuggle goods into heavily patrolled planets/districts.

Make disabling lanes a more permanent and serious affair involving repair crews and a police patrol to protect the site for the short future.

Make civilian ships radio for police/military help. Introduce "he's our friend don't touch him" to the factions so that eg a Military patrol will tell even their own friends not to mess with you. What I'm going for is making factions matter. The best thing about your friends shouldn't be that they don't attack you.

Add a small radar to the hud where the energy/shield/health bar is.

Alter ship scheme beyond light heavy and freighter, make some unique ships that require different play styles (like the stealth fighter from Freespace.)

Make a percentage of kills use escape pods that you can capture and then sell into slavery with the appropriate hit in faction reputation.

Edited by - Incendiary Lemon on 26-02-2003 03:24:08

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 3:28 am

You nailed most of it Lemon...

all the potential is here but the development fell WAY short

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 1:46 pm

I think you guys are expecting waaaayyyy to much from this game. It would be in development for another year if half this stuff was added and then you'd be asking why Trent doesn't need to go for a leak after buying a few beers?

and the answer to that would be.....because development fell way short or it's all microsofts fault.

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