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Yet Another FL Review (mixed)

This is a free discussion forum on Freelancer. This is the place to discuss Freelancer issues NOT covered by the other boards!

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 4:18 pm

I suppose if your Blindly loyal to a game, you'll have to like it......

sorry its not for me!

EVE-ONLINE is the future

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 5:07 pm

I think it's very odd that anyone who is willing to point out flaws, shortcomings, and dissapointments in FL is dimissed in this way (oh, they must have ruined their gaming experience by hacking - oh, they're software pirates so obviously they don't have the same brain patterns as the rest of us - and so on). People on this board are way too defensive. And you'll notice that the disagreement isn't really over facts about the game we're pointing out (like the very limited mission types you can go on), but the disagreement is over the degree to which those points really affect the gaming experience.

Reading over this board, I discovered another game called 'X2: The Threat' that is going to be released shortly -- after reading about that game for a bit, it seems, quite frankly, that it's going to do everything FL does plus a whole lot more. Seriously, can anyone point to any aspect of FL that is better than what X2 promises to deliver? (I've seen people arguing "they're completely different games!" - but they really aren't - FL is essentially just a simplified X2 from what I've seen... but please correct me if I'm wrong in this perception)

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 5:44 pm

X2 a link to it????

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 5:49 pm

Sure check out X2 - but it is in my book not as fun and massive as FL. It may contain the checkboxes on the features you so much long for, but I do not think it has it to compeat!

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 5:57 pm

I'm a big fan of the X games (produced by egosoft) but I don't think FL and X2 are going to be similar. x2 is going to be more hard core like elite and not offer the same experience FL will. FL (I'm about to rush home and play the demo so my words sure ain't gospel) seems to offer a more visceral combat experience and more opportunities to explore. The X series play area is large but all the interesting stuff is clustered around the jumpgates and the combat more deliberately like a ww1 or ww2 flight sim - much slower paced.

now i've got over my disappointment at the myriad design changes and feature loss of FL I think i'm going to enjoy it in a diablo type gameplay way. it's not the game I was hoping for but it still sounds enjoyable - exploring, some blasting, nice gadgets to buy etc. Okay, I wish there was a joystick and a functioning dynamic economy and a 3d cockpit, but there ain't. Doesn't mean I won't enjoy it in other ways.

I remember Space Rogue on the c64 with affection, and Starflight. Neither of which were Elite style space sims but that didn't make them bad games. Enjoy FL with all it's perceived faults, then enjoy X2's completely different gaming experience, along no doubt with a different set of faults and short-comings.

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 7:06 pm

The plus sign is a representation of where the ship will be when your lasers take the time to travel in between your ship and the enemy. The game would be pretty easy if you only had to have the cursor in the box and it also wouldn't be representing simple laws of physics.

Actually, that is the opposite of reality. Lasers "should" travel at the speed of light. Over these distances they should be practically instantaneous with no lead required.

Of course, not everybody finds that as much fun as having to deal with leading the target, so most space games fudge the numbers and use energy weapons that are a bit slower than a typical Vulcan cannon shot from a jet fighter.

I can't think of any space sims where you don't have to lead a target



Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 5:46 am

I'm a hardcore X-fanatic, but even I can name one advantage of Freelancer over X2 right off the top of my head: pacing.

In Freelancer things happen very quickly right from the first mission, and with 4(!) different "speedups" (jumpgates, trade lanes, cruise mode, afterburner) you can get to the action with very little wait.

X2 has equivalent speedups, too, but they cost credits to put on your ship, so especially in the beginning X2 will almost undoubtedly involve more travel-time and less combat. X2 will ramp up the pace gradually; Freelancer will come out swinging.

Most people prefer a fast-paced start to something that requires an investment of time to get rolling. It comes back to the real difference of genre: an arcade game suits a different play style than a space sim.

To put it "Old School": most people preferred Galaga over Elite.

Post Wed Feb 26, 2003 6:00 am

Actually, that is the opposite of reality. Lasers "should" travel at the speed of light. Over these distances they should be practically instantaneous with no lead required.

I am not certain all of these guns are lasers. Some are particle cannons. You make a good point, though. I guess they liken it more to air combat dogfighting to keep it more exciting. Like I said, it would be less challenging if you didn't have to lead. Thanks for reminding me that these things shoot out lasers and not bullets.

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