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Yet Another FL Review (mixed)

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Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 12:47 am

Yet Another FL Review (mixed)

I really wanted to love this game (Privateer was one of my favorites) - and it does make a hell of a first impression. The graphics looked great, the main storyline seemed very interesting, the character models were distinctive and seemed to have personality, the ship combat was fun and worked really well to quickly get you into the action -- in sum, the foundation was there for a great gaming experience. I looked forward to exploring, meeting other characters, engaging in interesting side missions, and generally immersing myself into this universe -- this, for me, would be the most important part of the game.

But my very favorable first impression started to wane as I continued to play. When the first bar patron I talked to told me "I work for XXX Corp., we don't own the place but have an understanding with those who do," I thought that was a rather odd, idiosyncratic way of introducing one's self (I liked it - I thought it gave the guy character). But, to my dismay, it turns out that pretty much every bar patron on every planet says this, or something very close to it, when you start a "conversation." This certainly hurt my ability to immerse myself into the game universe.

But even at that point I still felt very favorably about the game -- I thought that I could do without interesting NPCs since I would be having so much fun taking on interesting missions that would allow me to explore the mysteries of the universe, to become fully engaged in the various political struggles that had been referenced early on in the game, etc -- I thought I would be able to find missions of all different shapes and sizes, and that I would be suitably impressed with the imagination that went into them. Unfortunately, so far, every mission I've been able to find has been of the sort "Go to location X. Kill every bad dude there." This was fun the first couple of times I did it. It was less fun the 20th time, the 27th time, the 40th time...

Instead of giving us a wide variety of missions, and interesting twists during those missions, we seem to have been given Diablo in space. By that I mean that repetitive combat is the primary meat of the game, and the fun is supposed to come from leveling up your character and buying better swords and breastplates (or, in Freelancer's case, better laser cannons and shield generators). The problem with this approach is that Freelancer's combat, while initially fun, isn't as mindlessly addictive as the combat in Diablo was. I quickly wished that there were other types of missions to fly and started inwardly groaning every time I looked on the mission board and saw 4 different variations of "Go here. Kill this" (which was every time I looked at a mission board).

I'll probably continue playing the game -- the main story still seems interesting and there is some sense of accomplishment in upgrading your ship (or being able to buy a new, better one), but the universe is far less interesting than I had thought it would be in the beginning. (I hope this game does well though - like I said, the foundation is there for an awesome gaming experience -- a sequel could take that foundation and build a more impressive, interactive universe around it.)

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 1:01 am

And here I thought Diablo's combat was mindlessly boring , whereas I actually feel like I'm doing something besides clicking in FL. each his own.

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 1:16 am

I want to know how you people are playing the full game when it hasn't been released yet. Are you talking about the demo?

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 1:18 am

freelancer doesnt want to make me commit suicide like diablo does.

First impression of diablo : Blizzard trying desperatly to make money

First impression of fl : MS giving gamers what they want

-Nuff Said

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 1:24 am

Uh... guys -- I'm having trouble understanding why you're ignoring everything I said except for the Diablo reference. My Diablo reference was meant to compare the fact that there is, basically, little to do in both games except for repetitive combat -- with Diablo and Diablo-style games, people go into them knowing and expecting this -- with a supposedly open ended space opera adventure type game like Freelancer, I don't think it's unreasonable to go in expecting more. (I certainly wasn't saying Diablo was a "better" game or anything - I'm not the biggest Diablo fan myself...)

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 1:33 am

I totally agree with you, ggg. Certain aspects of the game can most certainly be improved. The repetitiveness you mentioned isnt as bad as you say it is. Ive been playing this for a loooong time and ive yet to get bored of it. Same as for other beta testers. (I didnt like Diablo at all). I dont know how to explain it, but for me, that mission repetitiveness really isnt apparent. I guess I just like to shoot things. Besides, when you consider the full scope of Freelancer, you can do other things, so you arn't limited to the random missions. The randomly generated missions are just there because they require additional scripting. So if you tired of all the "repetitive" killing, you can go out and trade, mine, pirate, etc all by yourself.

Now, concerning the conversations. I 100% agree with you. They are dissapointing. But when you think about the costs and such, its just cheaper to do it the way they did it in Freelancer -- no need to hire tons of ppl and spend ENORMOUS amounts of time fine tuning each audio file and paying each person to say their lines. It was the most cost effective way of doing it. ANd because of that, the things that the NPCs say can be kind of boring and lame, but the solution is simple -- just skip it.

- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Edited by - ElectricBrain on 24-02-2003 01:34:43

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 1:39 am

So..your another guy who stole the full version? I assume your not talking about the demo? If you are I apologize and say is only a demo. If on..

And you a Privateer fan!...shame on you. Another review that makes me have no repect for the review.

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 3:02 am

I think one of my problems with the game is that there really isn't a lot to do besides combat -- other posters have said "you can do whatever you want!!!" but then list only trading commodities (which isn't terribly fun - especially within the very simple economic model the game uses), blasting asteroids for resources, or joining up with pirates (which still involves combat, just attacking different ships). And your decisions really don't have an affect on the universe around you except to determine which factions will attack you, and which won't. The game designers have given us a big, open universe but have also given us a very limited number of things we can actually do within that universe. The universe is just too simple - it isn't as interactive and vibrant as I (and I'll bet others) would have hoped.

Although my memories of Privateer are admittedly rather old, I'm not seeing much in Freelancer that wasn't already done just as well, if not better, in that much older game. (And given the improvements in game design, I don't think it's unreasonable for people to expect more.)

I don't think the game is necessarily bad, just limited. If you go in with lowered expectations, you very well may be pleased with the result.

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 5:11 pm

perhaps youre feelings of guilt at stealing the game weigh down upon your thoughts?

from the demo point of view, i would like to have seen "carry x to base y" missions, as well as recon or destroy base things, which were all present in Frontier and which would require not a great deal of additional scripting - after all, theyve had five years, and surely it wouldnt be too much to ask for them to include it in a patch? smuggling would thus be more fun than the impromptu nature of it now.

is it me or does the Rhino own everything else in the demo? fear those turrets.

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 7:25 pm

Yeah the Rhino is a beast in the demo. Almost 10 guns are really powerful. What is the maximum cargo space of a player craft in the final version? I want to trade a lot, and the cargo space even from the rhino is a joke only 90, and i have seen freighters with 40000


Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 3:11 am

gggie is right on the money with his review of the Demo, but the full game could be different.

The game seems kind of like Starlancer, you go into a mission board and pick a mission and then upgrade and then do the same thing over and over and over. When in battle I wish the targeting system would allow you to focus on the Enemies ship instead of this + sign. It’s also annoying when the enemies ships are flying around so fast you cannot even see what’s going on, and sometime I loose sight of the + sign. All in all Freelancer is a very cool game and a must buy for any space shooter fan. From playing the Demo it’s not what I was expecting out of a game that took over 4 years to make.

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 4:06 am

When in battle I wish the targeting system would allow you to focus on the Enemies ship instead of this + sign.

The plus sign is a representation of where the ship will be when your lasers take the time to travel in between your ship and the enemy. The game would be pretty easy if you only had to have the cursor in the box and it also wouldn't be representing simple laws of physics.

I can't think of any space sims where you don't have to lead a target and this is what the plus sign represents. In older games like X-Wing, Idon't even think they gave you that nice plus to tell you where to lead at. You had to figure it out yourself.

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 4:45 am

All I can say is that I hope there is room for the user community to "mod" Freelancer.

Morrowind is an excellent example of an already awesome game that gives the user community room to expand the game world given to them.

Hopefully Freelancer will have this flexibility as well, so we can get online and download user created missions when the stock missions become boring.

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 1:19 pm

for the modding: morrowind had tools for the community and was built with modding in mind. freelancer is not. I highly doubt there will be official mod tools for it(no info about this anywhere), so it will take a long while till any mods get out.

the game itself: i have only played the demo and the biggest gripe with freelancer is the same i had with diablo 2(funny but its true). It took YEARS to get done and the wait was so long... we where expecting kinda much i guess. I am mainly disappointed because i don´t se anything in freelancer yet that would warrant a 5 year realease cycle. Not even the nice engine could have taken so long. So what the hell where they doing all these years? It is still a good game, but sadly not the game it a) could have been and b) should have been after 5 years. Still fighting with me if i buy it or not, the demo and the reviews do not have me on the "must have it" side yet.

Post Tue Feb 25, 2003 2:14 pm

i honestly think the reason people are coming here and posting negatives about FL is because they either werent there or didnt bother (they just hacked) to immerse themselves in the likes of Elite, Frontier, or come to mention it even Morrowind. ffs how long can you spend just doing nothing in Morrowind aside from making it from dungeon to dungeon to daedric shrine? as i understand it, the MP game is much like this.

besides, these complaints would be a lot more substantial if they werent coming from sundry new people who i dont recall being around pre-Beta. if you dont like it, just ditch the warez and go get UT2003 out.

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