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Fun, but would I keep playing it?

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Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 12:00 am

Fun, but would I keep playing it?

No. Which is too bad, since I've enjoyed it terribly for the good 12 hours I've played it so far.

I dedicated myself mostly to playing on a multi-player server. It was extremely enjoyable to fly through the Colorado silver asteroid fields in a freighter, with two guys in fighters covering me from the Xeno's. 40 units of silver later, we sold em for 712credits X 40... 28,480. Not to mention parts salvaged off enemy ships. At about 10,000 a person for 35 minutes work, you can get pretty far in this game pretty quick.

And that is one of the problems. Almost without trying, I'm level 15. You basically never experience anything new in combat, either. You follow the enemy with your mouse, getting better at it and learning to afterburn at the right times. Then, it's all the same. Stronger weapons, enemies with strong shields. Makes no difference. Missiles? Suck. Mines? Ok, interesting. Assaulting enemy bases? I haven't gotten to shoot at one yet, because one member of our group had torpedoes, and the base was dead before I finished off the fighters every time. Combat really is just not challenging unless you are facing off 6 or more against 1.

Also, the missions ARE all the same. Go out and kill someone, go out and kill him and bring him back, go out and kill everyone, go out and kill a base. That is it. I've been to 10 systems now, and countless planets and bases. Same missions, every time. Every bar, the same. Every base looks different outside, sure. But who cares? After the 30th planet/base you've gone into, you don't bother exploring them anymore. All you want is a good one with a new ship. The ships are fairly similar as well. A little faster, a little more armor and more space for weapons is the only change outside of appearance.

These are all negative comments, which distorts my appreciation of the game. I really enjoyed it. It was a blast playing privateer with other people. (Thats what I'd compare it too.) And it seems that they had some cool pirate bases that you could use if you were a pirate, etc. But it's basically all the same game after the first few hours. As far as balancing the factions, are you kidding me? Unless you know where the pirate bases are from the start, you kill Rougues, you don't kill good guys. Thats all. I saw someone talk about 'delicately balancing' your rep. Ahahahahaha. If someone gives me trouble, I kill them. It's not like it's hard. If you want to go pirate, start picking off cargo ships and what have you. Actually I would have to suggest someone like bounty hunters, so that the good guys don't hate you too much.

I was hoping this game would tide me over until Moo3, but I just don't see any reason to keep playing it.

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 12:06 am

I'm sorry, but there is no way you can make broad stroke statement about Freelancer like this if you've only played 12 hours. How many systems have you seen? How many bases have you landed on? How many different shuips have you flown? How many jump holes have you found? How many missions have you taken in the Borderworlds (have you even been to the Bordeworlds)? How many ship corpses have you found? How many times have you traced the perfect path through the Omega 41 system with the mines?

Come on...get real. You're certianly allowed to voice your opinions...but so am I.

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 12:21 am

My thoughts exactly, blue cheese.
What would be the point of exploring all the systems or docking with 160+ bases if they all feel exactly the same? The base/planet graphics only serve as a two second novelty. After that, it is pointless eyecandy. Much similiar to playing Myst/Riven except there is a pause of 4 minutes in between images. (the time to fly to other bases/planets)

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 12:46 am

Now I have only played the demo, but this is all in what you prefer in game types etc.

For some this game is a dream come through, for others it's an interesting game. The "fanatics" ( not meant in a bad way ) will love it and be wanting to play it for ages. Others might enjoy it for a few weeks, and some might spend 2-3 days on it.

Please remeber that opinions will be based on these things. This game might simply not be "amazing" for some.
Now personally I will buy it when it's released and probably play it for a very long time. I simply love the vastness and possibilties in exploring all the differént systems. Maybe that's why it's so great for me, I love the exploration part of it.

Edited by - Stainless on 24-02-2003 00:46:36

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 12:55 am

I dig exploration in games myself. What is the point of playing a game where you don't compete against others, except to learn the secrets of the game? To figure out the intracacies of the systems that make it work, and master them.

There are no intricate systems in this game. Trade is: I have this, it's worth most at point X. Do I feel like flying for 15 minutes to make 50 bucks a pop extra at the best place? Thats not interesting, thats redeeming coupons.

Combat? There are no intricacies in combat. Circle, circle. Enemy runs away, turns arround, charges. Either let them charge, and hit them with mines as they pass by, or follow them close with afterburner when they run so they don't get a good chance to circle. There is no physics model in this game that makes piloting even remotely challenging, which I guess was the point. But no challenge in piloting pretty much rules out any challenges in a dog fight.

And as for exploration, there has to be a REASON for me to do it. I'm not getting off by sitting and flying from place to place to look at another pretty system. There would have to be some pretty interesting backgrounds to justify 40+ hours dumped into a game. I'm talking, planet sized flying attack boobs with laser cannons or something. I've been to systems in Liberty, Britonia and whatever they call Germany. Unless the space boobs are in Moesha or whatever the last house is, I can't see continuing to play.

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 12:58 am

wow all that from playin it one time Blue? amazing, simply amazing. lol

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 12:58 am

What reasons did you have to go exploring in any previous open-ended space sim?

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 1:34 am

Blue has a point here, combat is stupidly arcadish no tactics whatsoever. Will i buy the yes i will, will i play it for a long time? I dont know.They said you can be anything you want to be in the game, but when you try to be bounty hunter, the AI dont recognize you sa one.

Multiplayer might be good but then again will to wait and see.To me this game is just average, the fact that price is not dynamic, combat feels simple and Ai can't see you as the profession you choose to be is not enough for me praise this game. Is it a good game? Yes it is. Is it worth the 4 years waiting? No.

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 1:41 am

Its what u make it

the world doesnt change in order to suit you, why should the game?

Its best to feel minute in the world, not someone powerful that everything changes itself to suit your needs. thats my opinion anyways.

Glad you like it an ikkle bit tho

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 1:47 am

Blue Cheese Bleu Cheese Blue Chees

Why do you play the computer anyways? Every part of your argument is why I play computers. Whats better and what kind of game do you like anyways because everything you just listed happens in every game in on form or another. This is how a space game works- explore space shoot enemies, trade goods, team with friends, upgrade ships, increase levels. And so on and so forth. Everquest. Asherons Call. Age of Empires. Dungeon siege- Morrowind. Wing commander. Neverwinter. Even racing games give you better engines and cars for harder tracks.
All of these have storylines and leveling features and play features and what have you. I think freelancer does it all pretty well and guess what? Its a stable game!
Its bonus time for us all- Yes, I am one of the fanatic space shooter fans but so what? Buy the game and play with us on Elite and you will get plenty of challenges,
I would be willing to bet because no matter how good you think you are, Ai doesnt compare to human players a

Like the ad goes, "It's not for everyone"

Post Mon Feb 24, 2003 1:55 am

How can you say something is not there when you have not been there? That is the thing that draws me to a game like Freelancer..the unknown. Also why I avoid cheats and hacks and strategy books. And some posts here also.

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