Sorry blue cheese, but Tach would know alot more then you would, since he has been one of the main beta testers for a long time. Mean while your playin with warez for what? 3 days?
and? your point is? maybe tachys gameplay is not as good, or he does not care, or its still for him challanging, the ai is as dumb as it was in sl.
no one I meet that played the game and was not in the beta denied that. so I guess
a) there is something deeply wrong with the warz version
b) there is something deeply wrong with the 1.0 version
c) the devs thought someone will steal a copy pre-release and decided to make 1 day after release a patch that solve this
my guess would be b)
but you never know ... and well wait, I heard one dude complaining that the demo is to hard.
so I guess here we have the target audience for the game
Sl was aswell rediculis (I know its wrong spelled) in its difficult level, so why would be anyone surprised?
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