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This is a free discussion forum on Freelancer. This is the place to discuss Freelancer issues NOT covered by the other boards!

Post Fri Feb 14, 2003 5:44 pm

Welcome! I'm also a BBC model B player of elite. Didn't get too far though. Later I got to elite status in elite plus for the 286...

Post Fri Feb 14, 2003 7:00 pm!

- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Post Fri Feb 14, 2003 8:43 pm

Welcoem to the family Chillum. I wish I could say that I have played elite but I was too young wehn it first came out. However, I've been following Freelancer for a long time just like the rest of us here and I feel it is going to be one of the greatest games ever.

Post Sat Feb 15, 2003 5:07 am


I haven't known about this game for more than a week, and I know it'll be great. Yeah, great for holding me over until my Rome comes just kidding......calm down.


Anyway, welcome! These people are great, unlike some other communities *cough* Warcraft *cough*

We're all clamoring over this game, the wait is the mental equivalent of being tortured by someone who can keep you alive indefinitely and cause all your nerves to feel the most excruciating pain.....and then some.

After all....

Once you have the disease, there's only one cure, you know.
[-1000000 credits to whoever figures out what that quote is a reference to!

I do what I must, when I must...

Edited by - TheOneWraith on 15-02-2003 05:35:46

Post Sun Feb 16, 2003 7:39 pm

Now then Chillum.
It's a very good forum this isn't it? I'll be on it three times a day for the next 2 months. It's quite a pleasant substitute for actually playing the damn thing. Not long now eh?! My mates just taken the p*ss out of me, he's says I must have read everything 3 times over.

I'll just go for a forth..........

Post Mon Feb 17, 2003 7:11 am

Welcome Welcome Welcome

This is the ONLY place for Freelancer news, reviews and experiences


"Only one human has ever survived an attack against a Mimbari Cruiser... he is behind me... you are in front of me... if you value your lives... be somewhere else!"

Post Mon Feb 17, 2003 11:38 pm

welcome m8, this is THE place for info on the game, spoilers, people that don't know anything... guys that are so intellegent that they can put a sign on the screen! well this is a cool place, only thing is, u have to post like crazy to get a good rank, and noone cares about ranks here where' sthe incentive!?!?!? sorry, just a tired yank talking to much, welcome to the club...tallyho!
Phoenix out

From this celestial bough all but one did fall into the pitiless fires of reach.
A soldier’s ignominy to have dreamt while his brothers bled. But oh, for the rest of us his shame was our salvation.

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