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Question about Turrets

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Post Wed Feb 19, 2003 10:45 pm

To me auto turret in this game is uselees, i think they put it there just to make the ship look more powerful nothing else.

And the turret view, really how many people going to use it?

Post Wed Feb 19, 2003 10:52 pm

I use it all the time, lol. Mainly for just looking around while travelling. But its also good for fending off pirates chasing you from the back.

Post Wed Feb 19, 2003 10:53 pm

Turret view does come in handy. I often play Elite3 First Encounter and run to the turrets to destroy an enemy while my autopilot flies blindly onward. Since it uses Newtonian Physics, catching up to a ship long enough to do much damage is fairly difficult so the enemy really needs to get several good shots in.

With a fairly big gun and a well aimed shot, you can destroy the enemy before he even gets close enough to do much. I've destroyed a ship while it was just a dot on the screen and got a message "Well done commander". So a bit of practice goes a long way.

My idea of an OS is one that operates the system, not a self contained package of every piece of software ever invented.

Post Thu Feb 20, 2003 1:01 am

Well that's good to hear, but i'm talking about FL turret not Elite3.

Post Thu Feb 20, 2003 4:18 am

I use it to check out the beauty of my ship and lil 'o me in the cockpit

The enemy AI is fantastic and they do use boom-n-zoom.

-=Radix Lecti Kodiene=-

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