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A Battle WON! Three more FL Converts!

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Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 4:22 pm

A Battle WON! Three more FL Converts!

Greetings All,

This day a great battle has been won in the name of Freelancer!
Three persons of the "I won't play a space sim without a joystick" mentality have been converted to see how well the mouse controls work in Freelancer and have begun to drool for it's they well should!

How did this come about?
I knew my friends were coming over this morning so I made sure my PC was running.
And, I "just happen" to have this picture as my wallpaper today: Picture

Of course I knew they would ask what it was from, and when they did I had a ripe opportunity to continue our HEATED debate about how the controls would work only using the mouse.

The combination of that picture, explaining with mouse in hand how it works, and with some additionals review references already opened & minimized for my ambush, the battle was short and sweet.
With the victory going to Freelancer...even with it's "unique" controls scheme.

So, this day we have won a small, but important, battle.
A battle which has proven that even the most pig-headed, stubborn, and closed-minded people can have their point of view changed dramatically.

So all you Freelancers...
Get out there and start winning some more converts!
Let's show them what a mouse can do! Hehe

Fly Well,

Pyrate Dredd


And this too shall pass.


Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 4:27 pm

As far as it concerns me, its not the thing a Sim can´t be played with a joystick.
I am sure it will work.
But, its a question of atmosphere. I remember when I was young and played "Wing Commander I". When I grabbed the joystick I felt like if I were in the ship.
Would build an airplane and put a mouse in the cockpit ???!

I hope that there will be an optional joystick option. I think it should be up to the user, whether he wants to play with mouse or joystick.

Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 4:32 pm

Hehe, Teabold.... You will be so busy playing you won't notice the lack of grabbing something like ajoystick with your right hand...

Best Regards
Christian "Bargib" Koerner
Editor in Chief, The Lancers Reactor

Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 4:45 pm


Anyone remember the movie "FireFox"?
The plane in that wasn't directed in combat by a "stick".
It was a direct neural interface...what the pilot THOUGHT happened as he thought it.

So, if we are already imagining that, and in some ways even already capable of it, then why would an aircraft in a thousand years still rely upon such an archaic interface such as a "stick" to control it?

Forward thinking...not nostalgia...that is the driving force behind all great inovations.

Fly well,

Pyrate Dredd


And this too shall pass.


Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 4:51 pm

Well said dredd, i sure remember the film and it's neural interface I wonder if that played some small part in the naming of things at DA ?


P.S Nice ambush too

Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 5:03 pm

When looking at that backgoround, I see a turret named Hellflurry
Isn't a flurry a McDonalds ice-cream?

Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 6:25 pm

I believe that's a " McFlurry...LOL ...
(I know everyone is proud of my McDonald's knowledge)

Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 6:49 pm

Pyrate Dredd, I can agree with you about the technical advancement.
But not all inventions turned out great, neader did the movie...

I´l stick to stick

Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 7:06 pm


I believe that every invention HAS "turned out good".
Because with every invention something has been learned.

And that, my friend, is the meaning of learn and ever evolve.

(But, I do still like to fly with a stick too...but I am just old and set in my ways. lol )

Fly Well,

Pyrate Dredd


And this too shall pass.


Post Thu Feb 06, 2003 12:52 am

Good job!

Post Thu Feb 06, 2003 4:49 am

must have more vids...(repeat)....(again)...
hey tach in that vid u made, i think w/all the fighting?
man, you gotta work on your piloting skillz, or uhhhg , nevermind, way to go man you showed 'em
J/K man, so what was combat like, and in one of the vids or screenshots, the trade lanes were EMPTY, is this true for everyone you went into?
Phoenix out
PS: nothin wrong with your flying, just kiddin around

"In War Resolution, In Defeat Defiance, In Victory magnanimity, In Peace Goodwill" Winston Churchill
"no one ever won a war by dieing for his country...he won a war, by making the other dumb bastard die for his!!!!!" General Patton

Post Thu Feb 06, 2003 4:55 am

Dude, if I used my true flying skills the video would have been hours long because I would have never died.

Post Thu Feb 06, 2003 5:58 am

I noticed in the local gaming rag that Freelancer has made it into Number 8 in the most wanted games in Australia list. Usually this list only includes the latest ID software or Raven offering or some other destined big seller. Me thinks this game is going to bigger than any of us anticipated.

Edited by - Mustang on 06-02-2003 05:58:40

Post Thu Feb 06, 2003 6:02 am

Cool, Mustang. That's nice to hear! Yah, during our interview with Jorg, we all talked about Freelancer and how there really is no other game like it out there and its such a BLAST to play!

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Post Thu Feb 06, 2003 7:09 am

Nuh uh, we talked about how you single handedly delayed FL three times by making Bargib's Barbie Makeover. We could have been playing FL years ago if you hadn't made that and addicted the DA crew so they couldn't get anything done.

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