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Police And Smugglers

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Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 9:31 am

Police And Smugglers

I was just wondering good the police are and how the smuggling works.

In Frontier (from what i can remember) the police were pretty poor, and if u shot at a space station they would obviously launch. But if u sit infornt of the spacestation u could just pick them off as they came out and when u got board of that u could just pay the massive fine u amounted and the land on the spacestation. Does that work the same way in this game?

Also smuggling (Again from what i can remember) was pretty poor as well. if you took an illigal trade to a place where it was illigal but the price was high, u'd be arrested the moment u landed, or have to pay a fine. Then u could sell it. or u'd have to take it somewhere that it was legal to sell, but then that isn't exactly smuggling is it.

Does smuggling work the same way in FL? or can u ACTUALLY smuggle stuff?

bare in mind i may have just been going about in the wrong way.

The beast said "Be you angels?" and we said "Nae. We are but men!" - Tenacious Deed -

Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 10:44 am

Sorry I have not played Fronteir so ill just point out how things work.

You'll see police and other ships take off from planet and space stations, if you attack them, then ppl in the local area will hate you (everybody turns red) and the police and their reinforcements will shoot you. In order to get them to like you again, you can either wait it out till things cool down or do missons which will make them happy.

If you take an illegal commodity near a policed area, you'll probably be scanned by the police. They will see that you are transporting illegal substances and they'll ask you to jettison your cargo or they will attack. The choice is yours. Just cross your fingers that you wont be scanned.

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Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 10:50 am

As far as u know is there anyway u can shield ur ship from being scanned. If not it does make smuggling kinda hard. If they scan ur ship can u shoot them before they go all robocop on you when u dont jettison it?

And if u get to a landing point. do they scan ur ship anyways? forcing you to pay a fine or worse.

Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 11:57 am

How are you goes planning to go about smuggling goods?

And do they have slave trading in this game?

The beast said "Be you angels?" and we said "Nae. We are but men!" - Tenacious Deed -

Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 12:13 pm

One question not directly related to smuggling and police, but:

Letz say youre scanned by a single police ship and you fear your illegal stuff could be detected , not exactly near a station or other ships and you just destroy the police ship quickly, there should be (logically) no way the others (police, houses, other factions) could KNOW what you have done... How is this handled in FL? Do factions and ships only judge you by what they actually see or do your actions affect everybody no matter if you have been seen doing it or not... ?

Edited by - mandrill on 05-02-2003 12:14:07

Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 1:10 pm


Why would anyone have to "see" you do it?

I think they would have radios, and could instantly send out an SOS with the flip of one finger.
They may even have "black boxes" that would send out a data stream about when, where, and how, they were destroyed.

This isn't a fantasy RPG based in the days before "NeverWinter Nights"...where it would be illogical for people thousands of miles away to be aware of such things.
If anything they should have even BETTER ways of keeping track of such things...and dealing out just rewards.

Just one man's opinion.

Fly Well,

Pyrate Dredd


And this too shall pass.


Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 1:20 pm

If anyone has any good ideas on getting round the police and becomming a successful smuggler, I would really like to hear them.

The beast said "Be you angels?" and we said "Nae. We are but men!" - Tenacious Deed -

Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 1:39 pm

If you have a bad reputation with a faction, can you still land on their planets and bases by rushing through their ships and trade there unhindered (like in Privateer), or does it have consequences on their planets too - (e.g. no landing permissions, police catches you if you land,...)?

Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 1:45 pm

Can you bribe the police?

Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 1:46 pm

I'm pretty sure i read somewhere (dont remember where so dont take this as gospal) that if u piss off a faction enough, then u cant land on their turf.

I'm about 80% sure on that.

Best to ask a PR player though

The beast said "Be you angels?" and we said "Nae. We are but men!" - Tenacious Deed -

Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 1:53 pm

Yup, i'm pretty darn sure you can bribe police. but i'm still unclear on how it will work. in Frontier it was a point and click option. I used to bribe them all the time and they always accepted if u bribed them enough.

I'd like to see if police throw ur bribes ack in r face, or haggle. I could get real expensive.

The beast said "Be you angels?" and we said "Nae. We are but men!" - Tenacious Deed -

Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 3:02 pm

Has any PR players tried smuggling?

The beast said "Be you angels?" and we said "Nae. We are but men!" - Tenacious Deed -

Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 3:14 pm


You´re right
But: What if it happens in a dense asteroid field or a nebula that makes all kinds of radio signals useless?

Edited by - mandrill on 05-02-2003 15:15:17

Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 8:22 pm

Killing a police anywhere will get them to hate you.

If a faction hates you, then you cannot land on any of their bases. One way of fixing this is simply going to a neutral base (like the Freeports) and bribing a member of the faction that hates you. The bribe amount will depend on how much they hate you. Bribing will set them to neutral.

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