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Whos excited...

This is a free discussion forum on Freelancer. This is the place to discuss Freelancer issues NOT covered by the other boards!

Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 4:34 am

that sux, But there are a couple of good joysticks under 30 bucks out there. take a trip to CompUsa. Theyll usually have some rather good deals on joysticks.

Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 6:46 am

I'm looking forward to loading up FL, and getting lost in it for hours on end. Been
waiting for this for years.

Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 7:41 am

Same thinking as Tach and Silencer..... i just wanna load it up and stay locked in my office for a few days with only food and drink entering my vicinity at convenient times... I'm preparing my fiance for THAT long weekend


"Only one human has ever survived an attack against a Mimbari Cruiser... he is behind me... you are in front of me... if you value your lives... be somewhere else!"

Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 7:51 am

Heh, that's precisely what I'd like to do. In fact, I would like to lock myself up away somewhere (preferably in a luxurious suite with a lush ocean view) and do nothing but play videogames, watch good film, read good books, write, and eat great food for a long long time.

Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 12:41 pm

Add making websites and drawing onto that... and that'll suit me down to a tea thank you very much


"Only one human has ever survived an attack against a Mimbari Cruiser... he is behind me... you are in front of me... if you value your lives... be somewhere else!"

Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 1:19 pm




I have just driven every person around me completely crazy talking about "this game coming out in March"!
I drove most of them so nuts already that before they even say "hello" to me they say something to the effect of "Yeah, I KNOW, MARCH!!!! Now shuddap already!!!"!

But, at the same time, the closer the date gets the more worried I get...
I KNOW I won't be able to afford it when it is released.
And, I am told it's illegal to sell body parts now-a-days...I wouldn't mind selling a kidney!
They don't even buy plasma in this stupid area! Yes, I checked! LOL!

Fly Well,

Pyrate dredd


And this too shall pass.


Post Wed Feb 05, 2003 2:37 pm

Im pretty pumped, it is really being released this time, no more delays, no more if's, maybe's and but's. This time it's the real deal and I think I may have heart palpatations when I see it on the shelf for the first time. Actually I think buying it will be the most exciting part. Then after that, home to my den of electronica with supplies of food and drink, a padlock on the door, the cell phone switched off and just me and the game. God help me if I get an illegal operation when I try to load it for the first time.

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