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Trades and careers

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Post Mon Feb 03, 2003 10:02 pm

Trades and careers

So what are the main viable career paths the game will support? Military, bounty hunter, mercenary, Pirate, Privateer, merchant, contraband merchant.... anything else I am missing?

Does it support the listed careers? By support I mean give a legitimate venue to play the different games styles. Like a mercanary will be able to get jobs from corps. and government, bounty hunter will be payed to track down certain people or groups........................

And what do you want to do? I'll probably start out as a loyal faction member and then move to pirating, maybe privateerring so I can stay loyal to a certain group but be able to prey on enemy merchants. Bounty hunter would be cool to.

Post Mon Feb 03, 2003 10:44 pm

Go here and click on professions gallery.

Hope that helps.

I thinking about becoming a bounty hunter or pirate. Not sure yet. I will always be loyal to the Liberty though because Liberty rocks

Edited by - Nash on 03-02-2003 22:46:45

Post Mon Feb 03, 2003 10:49 pm

I will probabley start off as a trader, with a cargo ship of some sort, then later on when i got lots of cash I will sell everything and buy a fighter, and probabley become a pirate

Post Mon Feb 03, 2003 10:52 pm

I suppose im going to be a Liberty fan myself, but if Rheinland ships are the strongest then I might change my mind. I dont think The Liberty Elite fighter will survive in Rheinland space. And dont forget the border worlds where the Titans rome.

I Rule!!!!!

Post Mon Feb 03, 2003 10:53 pm

One thought to keep in mind, when playing FL, you're always just that...a Freelancer. This means you can "act" like a certian type, but never fully join a certain faction or lifestyle.

Merchants, Pirates, Bounty Hunters, Miners, Smugglers, "Tour Guide," Demigod (protector of the innocent or weak), Explorer, Blood Thirsty Vampire (that prey on all comers including police), Escorts (in a weird kind of way from reading you can form on other NPC's), in a certain sense a Politician (in MP most likely with a chat option), Training Instructor, Commodities Broker of sorts (where's the best/worse deals), Outlaw (I imagine it's possible to have most of the galaxy mad at you at one time)...there may be more but this is just my compiled list of possibilities from everything I've read. Some are purely my opinions of course, but founded in press releases.

My profession of choice is two-fold. First and foremost an explorer, then segway into a demigod I'm sure.

Edited by - Stinger on 03-02-2003 22:54:31

Post Mon Feb 03, 2003 11:10 pm

i intend to be a outlaw/smuggler sort of a borderline trade with a little bounty hunting i like the sort of fringe of the law character

I rule the world incognito!

Post Mon Feb 03, 2003 11:12 pm

Well my main fortay will be trader/explorer, but I fully intend to give every job a go.

Post Mon Feb 03, 2003 11:55 pm

I guess I'm a trader, when it comes down to it...
I can spend hours studying, calculating and sometimes the playing subsides..
A bit sad actually..


Post Tue Feb 04, 2003 12:33 am

I'm actually not too sure, i change my mind every other day.

but i'll mostlikely go for trading then exploring. and just help others on the way.

Life is like a box of chocolates some how laced with plastic explosive.

Post Tue Feb 04, 2003 12:40 am

I'm not really sure if I want to go for a particualr style of play at first. I will see what comes and makes the most money. Stick with that for a while and once established with decent gear, I think I'd like to be one of those grave robbers mentioned in the "Freelancer Transmitions". If it is possable
Also exploring will be high on my list of things to do.

Post Tue Feb 04, 2003 12:45 am

JallyJalla: Just because you like the Liberty doesnt mean you cant use Rheinland ships. I will probley keep good relations with them until I get one of there ships.

Post Tue Feb 04, 2003 1:48 am

well i fully intend to be an uber merchant when i am playing on my dedicated server and your all more than wellcome to come and help me or to try and jack my load although my m8 will be playing on the same server and he intends to me my mercenary protector so watch out


Post Tue Feb 04, 2003 5:28 am

kewl.... i mean, im loyal to libery, so ill be doing missions for them, and on the side a little trading/exploring, and helping those in need along the way. pretty cool actually... can't wait for march.
Phoenix out

"In War Resolution, In Defeat Defiance, In Victory magnanimity, In Peace Goodwill" Winston Churchill
"no one ever won a war by dieing for his country...he won a war, by making the other dumb bastard die for his!!!!!" General Patton

Post Tue Feb 04, 2003 6:25 am

I'm not sure if you choose a group to start with or not but I will probably choose the Japanese faction if I can. If I remember correctly their ships are supposed to be super fast, good at hit and run and easy to evade the enemy with.

So how exactly will the MP be implemented? Is MS going to give us some servers to play on or will they all be fan based servers? It seems to me like it would be hard to have a long lasting game on fan based servers. Usualy fan based is more play for an hour and start over next time you log on.

Post Tue Feb 04, 2003 6:56 am

Digital Anvil will be running a server but the percentage will be fan base servers. Im sure there will be a few good ones out there.

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