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Post Sun Feb 02, 2003 12:22 pm

I got a couple of questions.

1) Does ship size matter? As in manouverabilty compared to fighters.

2) Does the mass of ships matter in combat. ie. little buggery fighters pining at shields, and so u in ur mamoth friegther steer in to them . "RAMMING SPPED!!"

Life is like a box of chocolates some how laced with plastic explosive.

Post Sun Feb 02, 2003 7:11 pm

Hey tach,did they remove the Auto-turrets that were mentioned a while back which were mentioned in one of the interviews by either Jorg or Phil ?

Something about the most powerful ship would be a freighter with 5 auto turrets.

Post Sun Feb 02, 2003 8:13 pm

"No, turrets don't automatically shoot. It would be helpful, but they wouldn't hit anything with you maneuvering anyway."

Um, why wouldn't auto turrets be able to hit anything? The computer can aim just as well as you can. Right?


Edited by - milod on 02-02-2003 20:24:10

Post Sun Feb 02, 2003 8:28 pm

1. Yes.

2. Yes. If you're a freighter fighting a light fighter, you might as well forget about your forward facing guns (which you might have like two of anyway).

3. I don't remember them mentioning auto -turrets before, but they don't shoot by themselves now anyway. Remember it's a beta so it could just be a disabled feature. OH, I remember the reall in-depth preview taken last summer, at the Gencon, said something about a freighter loaded with turrets, but not the auto part.

4. Not only would your ship be moving, their ship would be moving as well. Not to mention afterburner, missiles, and so on. Don't think auto turrets could do all that as well. Flying in a straight line and shooting anything you see works better. Freighters are designed to take punishment while dishing it out, not maneuvering. Like I've said, it steers like Anna Nicole Smith after Thanksgiving so maneuvering around wildly wouldn't help anyway.

Post Sun Feb 02, 2003 11:18 pm

however, in XWA (x-wing-alliance) if you had rear facing guns, you could set them to defencive and they would target anything shooting you... and w/ a freighter youd think that theyd have that too right? afterall this is what...1200 - 2000 years in the future??
Phoenix out
PS: m8 means "mate", just a slang expression

"In War Resolution, In Defeat Defiance, In Victory magnanimity, In Peace Goodwill" Winston Churchill
"no one ever won a war by dieing for his country...he won a war, by making the other dumb bastard die for his!!!!!" General Patton

Post Mon Feb 03, 2003 10:46 am

But X-wing Alliance was set a long time ago in a galaxy far far away

Post Mon Feb 03, 2003 2:22 pm

Is X-wing Alliance the game where you could pilot either X-Wings or Tie Fighters?

Post Mon Feb 03, 2003 2:54 pm

I think it started out with u as a freighter pilot, neg? I seem to recall hooning around in one of the YT-1300's.. and there was a YT-2000 as well?

Post Mon Feb 03, 2003 7:10 pm

Are frieghters that much bigger than fighters. ie. it taks u a few secondsish to fly from one end of a frieghter to another.

imagine flying along side a frieghter shooting its odd bits, like in starwars with the xwing and the deathstar, just on a smaller scale.

Life is like a box of chocolates some how laced with plastic explosive.

Post Mon Feb 03, 2003 7:29 pm

I'm trying to get a better idea of how the turrets work. Let's say you're flying along and get attacked. Do you push a button and then you're inside a turret where you get to shoot at people, and then switch to another turret? Is it like that scene on EP4 where Han and Luke shoot down TIE fighters with the Millenium Falcon's quad-lasers?

Let's get those missiles ready to destroy the universe!!

Post Mon Feb 03, 2003 7:47 pm

DATD - No, that was X-Wing Vs. TIE Fighter. XWA was a game where you were a member of a trading family, flying freighters and (I think) fighters on escort missions.

Ugnaught - No. From everything I've read, you do not jump into a ball turret camera. You are in a cockpit or chase cam view the whole time. The mouse cursor on screen is used to slew the turrets toward any target that is not centered on the screen. In addition, your ship will automatically turn to point toward the mouse cursor. So if you have a target that is to your left, you first swing the turrets to the left and your ship will try to catch up.

I seem to remember Jorg talking about being able to "shoot and fly in different directions." I don't know if that means you can get your ship to stay on it's current heading while you strafe a target that you are passing to one side, or not. I also don't know if there is any equivalent to the old "afterburner slide" maneuver where the ship is basically flying sideways while you shoot at a large target.


Post Mon Feb 03, 2003 7:56 pm

On the Microsoft web page - the Professions Gallery - Don Harris (third picture) talks about "Justice Mark II Auto-turrets" Is that just for the bragging effect of a Rogue Merchant...?

Post Mon Feb 03, 2003 8:24 pm

Bragging, definatly!

Post Mon Feb 03, 2003 9:40 pm

Lol,a bragging merchant,what will they think of next.I betcha,he won't be saying that when he comes up against a titan,wolfhound or legonaire.

Anyway my guess on how the auto-turrets function is that basically all they do is track the target but DOES NOT fire in which you'd use something called turret-mode in which you can basically see an all around view of the target in which you just fire with the auto-turrets.

Post Tue Feb 04, 2003 12:03 am

First of all in XWA you start out flying freighters but then you join the rebel alliance and fly normal fighter in Starlacer style missions however you still fly freighters in special missions.
Second how do rear facing turrets work?

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