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How we discovered the glory of freelancer

This is a free discussion forum on Freelancer. This is the place to discuss Freelancer issues NOT covered by the other boards!

Post Thu Aug 10, 2006 10:35 pm

How we discovered the glory of freelancer

You know what? I'm here, just sitting here on the forums waiting for someone to say something about anything. But there is no-one here. So i thought that just for the hell of it, I should start a thread asking how we all got involved in freelancer in the first place.


How did you get involved then?

Okay boss, and which world should it be today?
Who cares? Any world will do! Just give me a WORLD REVOLUTION!

Post Fri Aug 11, 2006 3:20 am

I played a demo of Freelancer a few years ago and put it on a short list of games I must get, at the time I was playing Tachyon. Real life pretty much kept me out of playing games at all much less modding for a couple years. About a year ago I finally built a new gaming box and spent a week hunting down a copy of FL at local retail stores. I finished the campaign in a single sitting and jumped online the following day. After downloading Evolutions, I spent a few days on Hals, joined Haven Enterprise (clan), and I've been hooked ever since. After a few months I started work on Beyond Sirius (canceled mod).

Now I'm working on a FL sequel, Openlancer. Funny how things work out. A year ago I couldn't imagine working on a large mod much less a new game. I figured I would be playing a Mech game or maybe an RPG, and working my butt off at a regular job. I can say if I were being paid for this I'd be in nirvana. Instead I'll settle for creating a worthy follow up to FL and picking up some decent programming experience.

The Freelancer community has been good to me over the past year and I'm happy to be here.


Post Fri Aug 11, 2006 4:23 am

I love never ending games, especially operation flashpoint. Games with inexpressible many possibilities.
March 2003, when the demo was released, I downloaded it just to try it out. And oh yeah, this game was what I was searching for. I played the demo till June 2003, then I bought the full game, and later I even started modding.
Nowaday, I'm still playing and modding it frequently.

Pardon my French, I'm Dutch

Post Fri Aug 11, 2006 6:16 pm

I actually had never heard of Freelancer until I had worked for Microsoft Games tech support for about a year and a half. After about 6 months we were trained on the rest of the games MS had (originally we were only trained on the top 4 for Christmas overflow... which was Halo, Age of Mythology, Rise of Nations, and Flight Sim 2004)

After 6 months we were trained on the rest of the games that were still supported, like Mechwarrior 4/Mercenaries, Zoo Tycoon, AOEII, etc.

Never did actually get much training on Freelancer, as our trainer said - "It's not a buggy game - we get maybe 1 or 2 calls on it every 3 months"

We were allowed to play games at work in between calls to familiarize ourself with them (best job I've ever had). Eventually LAN games of Halo and Mechwarrior got boring, so I went to check out what else there was. I saw Freelancer played by someone else and it looked similar to Tachyon: The Fringe, which was my first game of this genre (Space Sim/RPG)

Well, after that I was hooked. I went out that day after work and bought the game immediately. I didn't even take it home and burn it as some other people were doing with the games... I actually bought this one.

Yeah, I've played through the storyline maybe 4 or 5 times now. I did it once while working, once at home, and at least twice more after that.

Damn good game.

Post Sat Aug 12, 2006 12:56 am

My friend just kept going on about it and never stopped so I went into my local GAME store and bought there last copy. Got it for £10 as it was in Xplosiv range.

Post Sat Aug 12, 2006 7:38 am

Well i was in Kansas city i belive when i got the game. I saw the game, it looked intresting. How would this affect my life, would i become addicted? Leading to my immenit downfall and the rise of Anarchy in my house? Forcing the rest of my family to Barbarianism, a primitive free for all for basic supplies? Food, water, clothing. Being regarded as an Outcast in the Community of actual normal people? My only friends being those ive talked to in group chat who live in Mongolia? Okay, so thats overeacting a bit, but i am addicted, and it lead to many good things in my life. Getting intrested in writing again. Meeting new friends, i even met a nice person in real life when i showed em about my writing. It has done wonders for me, and i owe freelancer alot. *builds shrine to Freelancer Box, dresses up in Island Native outfit and starts bowing and howling.* Crud! like i said earlier, that doesnt happen till midnight, hmm, maybe i should get a doctor to check that out.

When all else fails, tell them you want world peace.

Post Sat Aug 12, 2006 11:27 am

Well, in my case it's a bit different because I'm a big fan of StarWars, and I play for a long period of time SW Sim, like Rogues Squadron and even the Tie Fighter. Then I find one CD wich have FlMM with Gundam Missile Mod, and I began to look for Freelancer because Gundam was a name very familiar to me!
So I began to play Freelancer with mods actvated. Even now my favorite ship is X-Wing from Mancer Mods.
Only much later I played org. Frreelancer, gest to see what Digital Anvil made.

BTW. good topic, and I think every fan of Freelancer have a good story to tell.
I will be glad to heard the story of the LancersReactor creeator ;-)

Post Sun Aug 13, 2006 2:23 am

The first time I played Freelancer was... 3 years ago, 2003, can't remember the exact date. But I do remember that's the first time I was given many space-sim tutorials by... a nerd gal ^^

We played it for 4 hours and I began to feel the diamond inside. Too bad, we're seperated now... 8)


My friends keep on challenging me for... Sabres Omega-5 Minefield race!!!!

Post Sun Aug 13, 2006 2:38 am

heh, @IAR80

I started playing games with X-Wing and TIE-fighter, progressing on through X-Wing vs. TIE fighter and then stopped because my old PC wouldn't play X-Wing Alliance. I still have the CD but I don't think I ever played it. I love those old space flight sims...

I got started with Freelancer through a demo copy provided on a MaximumPC demo CD and was totally hooked. I downloaded the full version and played it extensively over the next 6 months (yeah, I know, bad). I enjoyed it so much I went out and paid full price for the game. (one month later the price dropped down to half). I've been playing the game since it came out and now admin a 24/7 server. This really is a great game with some remarkable staying power.

Post Sun Aug 13, 2006 5:05 am

I got it in March this year

So I serve the Order. So what you Bretonian di'kut?- Lord Hakkera to Trent on Kyushu.

Post Sun Aug 13, 2006 5:17 am

At the time, it was the school's half term, and therefore I had a week off. I went to the shops, and looked about - saw Freelancer, remembered Elite and how much I love space sims... and bought it.

As half term neared the end, i was ill - and had another week off. When I then went back, i quit and played it near solidly for another 3 months.

Post Sun Aug 13, 2006 7:01 am

I've been hooked on Elite type games ever since the mid 1980s. I'm always on the lookout for anything of that nature, and when I saw Freelancer I hoped it would be just that. And it turned out to be far better than anything I had hoped for!

I don't play it as much as when it first came out, but now and then I still load it up and blast off into the Sirius Sytem.

Post Tue Aug 15, 2006 7:16 pm

I don't play as much as I used to, but that is mainly because my internet is stuffing up and only lets me on if it wants me to.

Okay boss, and which world should it be today?
Who cares? Any world will do! Just give me a WORLD REVOLUTION!

Post Wed Aug 16, 2006 6:03 am

Ibought the game about 2 years ago, a college of mine said it was a great space-sim. He hasn't said 1 word too many. I played the complete single payer but for some reason (i still dont know why) i stopped playing after i finished the storyline and never tried mods or multiplayer. 1 week ago i found the game again under a big pile of papers and tings when i was cleaning my desk (once a year ). I have installed the game and now i'm trying mods in multiplayer mode.

Post Wed Aug 16, 2006 9:21 am

I work on the help desk at a US Army installation- low volume of calls, so have a lot of time to goof-off. My supervisor(!) had downloaded the demo at home the night before, and brought it in to check it out. I saw him playing it, and installed it on my PC. During lunch that day, we went to the local EB and bought both copies they had. I came to TLR later that week and started modding not long after. This was in fall '03. I've been working on a Stargate mod for almost 2yrs now, just don't have a lot of help.

Chris Bates

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