Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:42 am by Nickless V2
I think it's stupid that people act so tight about "copywriting" stuff. If anything, copyright is Microsoft/Digital Anvil for anything original (Including jumpgates in whatever form they apear in mods) and the engine, and Lucas Arts for the Star Wars models.
The only thing that "might" be protected by copyright (if you pay for it) is your own models of ships and other structures unless greatly based on already exsisting and copyrighted designs which are (I would assume) made with a program which you payed for to legaly use privately.
In any sense, nothing is copyright protected unless payed for...
Freelancer is a comunity game, I think all these things should be alowed to use freely. The only fair thing to do is notify the original creator and put him in the credits. But you can't forbid anyone to use anything freely which is not legaly copyrighted...
Edited by - Nickless TW on 1/6/2005 11:43:18 AM