A not-so-obvious use for disrupters that Hornets are far better at- because of their high speed and maneuverability, disrupter missiles can be used to intercept incoming projectiles- torpedos, missiles, mines. Most players probably wouldn't give you a whole lot of room to do that in, but it is pretty fun to do with the AIs. The most amusing AI kills I've gotten have been using disrupters to detonate enemy missiles as they launch- it's hard to do and depends almost entirely on luck, but when you do pull it off there's nothing more satisfying.
Proud owner and operator of a Patriot!
Proud owner and operator of a Stiletto!
Proud ally of the Bounty Hunters' Guild!
Proud hater of Nomad weapons!
Proud user of all things underestimated!
For the last time...there is no "N" in "TURRET"!