What about SP games
I have been playing Freelancer for a while now and I think its a great game However at the risk of earning all your wrath I have to make one comment to the negative. Why is it that you guys that make up all these ships and systems etc always seem to forget about the SP story? Now I am totally in awe at your creativity I think you gotta be geniuses to do what you do. (I for example took a year just to find delete button on my keyboard) However every mod that comes out seems to be created around MP. eg: the fantastic ships. By the time Im elligible to purchase a really good ship either I have to be at a level where the story would be finished or I havn't got the funds because of the outrages prices.
Help me and everyone else who likes to play the story guys and give us some decent ships at realistic prices and realistic levels. cheers all.
Help me and everyone else who likes to play the story guys and give us some decent ships at realistic prices and realistic levels. cheers all.