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Place your secret base.
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I would Put mine in Ithiac Resarch Station. Its good for a number of reasons. 1 its in the badlands and no one go's in there but The rouges and outcast. 2. because ithiac is destroyed if anyone did come across it they wouldnt even think twice about someone being on the station. But i already have my own secret base in my on system.
Captian of the Andromeda Ascendent
Light is Dark, Dark is light, Those who see are blind. Cy 9723
Captian of the Andromeda Ascendent
Light is Dark, Dark is light, Those who see are blind. Cy 9723
I would tell people there is a secret base but not actually put it in. I would just sit there and watch them go nuts looking for it. Or better yet put a non dockable base 900k off the map and label it Secret Base (Have it visible at 400k to give them hope). The funny part being that they would explode before getting to it.
how secret? i mean i really secret base would be one inside a sun, that could only be detected once you got within say 500M of the sun, now, gathered that a sun will kill you at say 3K from it, you would add exclusion zones on a REALLY small path (im talking small ship, patriot size) that they have to follow to gain access to it, it would be a space bouy (them red flashy things you see in space that you follow) then you dock with the bouy and your at the secret base

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