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Hilarious Freelancing Moments

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Post Thu Jun 10, 2004 2:04 pm

Hilarious Freelancing Moments

All right, this was a time when my nephew and I were playing Freelancer over a LAN. We were in two different systems, yet we were in the same group so that we could find each other easily. While he was having a great time touring the system via tradelanes, I decided to accept a couple of jobs.

Now, we were in two separate rooms. While I was flying enroute to my waypoint, I decided to go see what he was up to, as I had about 40K more to go. We talked for a few minutes, then I realized that my ship may be in danger, so I dashed back into my room and stared as my ship continued flying. I noticed that the waypoint was now behind me. I had overshot my destination by about 30K!

I quickly turned around and raced back as MIssion Commission came over the comm and started yelling at me. He then started threatening me to get back into the mission area in 20 seconds, 15 seconds, 10 seconds, 5 . . .

So I didn't make it back, and Mission Commission started talking about reputations being severely affected, how much trouble I was in, how they would think twice about hiring me again, etc. Now, since my nephew was in the same group as me, he was hearing Mission Commission as well, so he said across the room, "There's a crazy man yelling at me! I didn't do anything!"

That was very funny, but it wasn't the only time my nephew became the target of Mission Commission. I was doing another mission while my nephew was away in another system, but I decided to abort for some reason (I don't remember why). So then the mission was shifted over in my nephew's hands, and Mission Commission casually noticed that he was several systems away, so of course he started yelling at him. I then heard, "He's back! That crazy guy's screaming at me again! I'm getting into all kinds of trouble! Help me!"

It was so funny because I could hear Mission Commission in the other room. Now my nephew doesn't like Mission Commission that much anymore. Rotfl!

Got any funny experiences you would like to share?

Border Worlds Bounty Hunter

Edited by - Forinec on 6/10/2004 3:11:24 PM

Post Fri Jun 11, 2004 1:28 am

Besides getting the NPC's blown up in Mine and gas fields, not much.

Post Fri Jun 11, 2004 3:31 am

Let's see...I'd say teaching my dad to play on a LAN server. I'll never forget that first misison in the badlands . We were facing a few daggers, and he was taking hits left and right. Unfortunatly, I was in formation, and his ship exploding was enough to kill me as well. Good times, good times

Ohhh! Beu-tiful! Preeety! How do I blow it up?

Post Fri Jun 11, 2004 6:26 am

I'm sure most of us have had moments like this one, but here's my funny story.

Was flying an Eagle in one of the Omicron systems (the one with the mine field and the Corsair base) while carrying 9 or 10 Level 10 weapons (including some purple ones) to give to a friend of mine who was at the base. As I was approaching the base I kept chatting to him saying "20k to go...", "15k to go...", etc.

Anyway, as I was flying through the mine field, I had already typed out the message "10k to go..." but hadn't hit enter yet because I was waiting until I was right at 10k...know what I mean? Anyway, you can already guess what's coming...

My last message to my friend was "10k to go...fffffggggffgfgfggfgfggfgfgff" (WapCaplet is no more).


Post Fri Jun 11, 2004 6:54 am

The funniest story I ever was involved in was during beta testing...

Mad Dog, Tachyon, another (who's name escapes me) and myself were flying around in formation on me doing "recon missions" in the Borderworlds. We were chatting it up telling each other what kind of lowly pilots the other's were. We were headed towards Malta for a quick touch-n-go to save our progress since we'd not stopped in some time. I had it on cruise control as we approached the planet. I think it was Mad Dog who mentioned we were getting pretty close to the planet (on cruise everyone automatically redirects their path) so I said quit griping, we'll be fine.

At that point we WERE very close to the planet and I simply broke formation and steered away from the planet manually. Of course as I sped away I hit the V button and to me amusement, all three pilots that were in formation with me continued right dead into the planet. They were not happy having to go back three systems.

I still laugh about that maneuver.

Rob "Stinger" Lordier
Creator of the original Privateer FAQ
3+ years here and still lovin' every minute!
Favorite saying - Life is a journey, not a destination

Post Fri Jun 11, 2004 8:19 am


i was on multi at one point, in a valk. in the borderworlds. i met up with teammate, who was in a titan. i was scheduled to be escorted to get an eagle, i wasn't rogue then.

and guess what some 10 titans come at me (cosairs want my butt). so i fly around to take them out systematically, like i always do. but i figure it'll take too long so i decide to try out some new maneuvers. whats the planet.. the bounty hunter planet.. anyways, we're near this planet. so i decide to make use of my better agility and fly towards the planet until the comms is telling me i'm entering atmosphere. then i burn up. titans at my tail. they follow for a while..

then there's ALOT of chatter going over the comms, mostly composed of 'ahhh!!!'

so the moral of the story is that titans er..

Post Sat Jun 12, 2004 3:06 am

HAHAH the worst one for me was when i was flying around manhatten and i accidently hit a transport and for some reason or another it span and span and it eventullay hit another freighter and it was like a circus.


The guy with the mod prob

Post Sat Jun 12, 2004 7:35 pm

The funniest moment in Freelancer for me was like a long time ago. One time when i was playing, i was with my friend online. I was waiting outside a comand center and he was inside of it. He came out and hit my ship. Then he remembered he forgot something and he went back in. Meanwhile i was talking to my brother, and i had my hand on the mouse. So when i heard the crash between the two ships i got startled. I right clicked and shot some liberty ships. Before i know it, i start getting killed by all these ships. So i went all the way back to texas when i was in new york. My friend was realyl confused on wat happened. Thats my story!

Post Sun Jun 13, 2004 2:16 am

it wasnt funny at the time but looking back on it yeah i was

i'd just raided the sigma 13 wrecks and decided to head to theta to sell my goodies.
jumped from sigma 13 to 17 set my auto pilot to the theta jump hole, and went to make my self a cup of coffee and have a ciggie.
unknown to me the auto pilot system is make by Icarus industries and seems to have a liking for suns.

beware of auto pilot systems ;-)

Post Sun Jun 13, 2004 7:05 am

My best was when i was playing rebalance 3.4 and purchased the Tempest Heavy Torpedo Destroyer and waltzed into New York and 'accidently' hit the trigger a couple times and destroyed every base in the system. Who knew 800 torpedos could do so much? Liberty dreadnoughts are so weak that one volley in the center takes out the whole fleet. Watching their pathetic attempts to thwart me was indeed quite entertaining.

Give a man fire and he'll be warm for the night. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.- Terry Prachett

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