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Flamers, Ego''s and the rude - To Admin

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Post Mon Sep 08, 2003 1:42 pm

Flamers, Ego''s and the rude - To Admin

I have been through the Forum and it is easy to list a specific number of people who ruin it for others cos they think they are so cool. Can we please block, boot, delete, lock, tell to bug*er off these regular people who have no interest in sharing ideas FOR THE SAKE OF IT, instead of doing it because they think it makes them look good. Don't turn this forum into a club for the ego heads. These are the same people who ruin the Multiplayer, killing the Noobies (god I hate that word, I have a 1st in Theology and I'm a thick noobie, talk about new religions..) Modding sites that do not want them.

I have heared from people like Larry and others that answered him but do we have to read through the rubbish inbetween. I was very interested in the post and do not have time to read through hours of history, I treat this site as a Forum not a database.

+ You know they will read this and just have to post an answer to prove how boring they can be.


Post Mon Sep 08, 2003 1:52 pm

gotta agree with you friend, too much rudeness around here these times, you cant ask a question that they come right way saying, "search the foruns!, its been said already! " bla bla bla...well, id LOVE to see if the admins had to delete the old stuff!!! it would be great!! they would have to R-E-P-E-A-T!!!! everything AGAIN AND AGAIN!!! god this felt good... now searioulsy guys...dont be that willing to flame someone...just because that happened to you, doesnt mean you have to do it again to others, quite the reverse i thing....I kinda like to read the foruns and search for what im looking for, i usually find others things quite interesting, but if others dont like that, or dont have the time...or simply because they dont know how to do it....heck, just give em a hand....please?? now, dont come you flaming me ok?!!! just a though...ive learn to fear you...lolol

to kill or to be killed...if it lives, kill it...if it stands, level it to da ground...if in doubt?WIPE IT OUT!

Post Mon Sep 08, 2003 2:26 pm

When something is repeated over and over, it does get annoying...maybe you're right, perhaps the guy posting the repetetive thread simply didn't have the time...but what about the time of the people who then feel somewhat obligated to respond? The more experienced folks may seem a bit mean from your point of view, but believe me, once you get a few months under your belt, you WILL be doing the same thing, unless you are truly a mother teresa clone at heart.

Here, of course, is the difference between a newbie(good), and a n00b(bad). A newbie may post a discussion, but they'll try their best to take a quick peek around, at least on the front page, to make sure there isn't another topic on the same thing. A n00b, on the other hand, will just go ahead and post, without even thinking first...and this is the kind of posting that annoys the more experienced players.

Post Mon Sep 08, 2003 2:34 pm

As somone who cane here relativly recently I can tell you that most newcomers don't know about the search engines. It may not even occur to them to look up info before posting. But as you said, given time, they come out of it and will be nice productive forum mates... if they aren't driven away

Who are you and why are you reading my quote?

Post Mon Sep 08, 2003 2:39 pm

perhaps, but i bet youre the first one to say that openly...most guys(vets) when they see a post "i found this!!" they reply, "oh reallllly?dont say!" or something about a 4sec memory...heck, i play FL for some time now(a few months) and i still check out most foruns around here, if i dont like the thread i simply dont reply. I dont like to flame ppl just to get a few more posts...
think bdfore you act!!!!! or TLR will extinguish without new blood!!

to kill or to be killed...if it lives, kill it...if it stands, level it to da ground...if in doubt?WIPE IT OUT!

Post Mon Sep 08, 2003 2:41 pm

about the search engine....WHY DONT YOU MAKE IT MORE VISIBLE? SOMETHING LIKE THIS!! PLEASE!!! now seariously(again) the SE is quite "the" tool for everyone who are looking for something new(for them) it deserves respect !!!

to kill or to be killed...if it lives, kill it...if it stands, level it to da ground...if in doubt?WIPE IT OUT!

Post Mon Sep 08, 2003 3:02 pm

To be perfectly honest, I never used the search feature either. What I like to do, and this is a lot faster and easier, is to scan over the titles of topics on the front page before posting anything. That way, you know if your subject has been discussed recently. Chances are that if it hasn't been discussed in the past week or so, no one will care if you post it again, because by then it has moved off the front page.

However, things can get very repetetive...there have often been 4 or 5 of the same exact topic within a few hours of each other...that's not a lack of time to check in, that's total ignorance.

Another thing: If you have several questions, please do ask them all in one thread- you can edit your initial post, and it is always visible so people will see your questions. Don't make a topic for every question if you have them all at once.

"Although I do not consider myself a member of the Bounty Hunters' Guild, I find that their goals and mine often follow the same path. I will aid them when I can...if they give me a percentage of the salvage from whatever they frag along the way. Hell, they were even so kind as to sell me a ship after one of my jobs with them, and I've been flying her ever since. But god help them if someone puts a bounty on THEIR heads, for I don't care who I hunt for, as long as their live capture(or untimely death) can get me enough credits to buy a decent sized mug of my favorite drink."- A Freelance Bounty Hunter.

Post Mon Sep 08, 2003 3:39 pm

@muppetts - I can totally sympathise with you, I too posted a similar thread when I first came here. can't just go around banning people because they is innocent of it, myself included, some might even say this thread in itself is a flame. Its all about being respectful to the people who post here...and in turn they will be respectful to you. Who in particular are you pointing the finger at? I'm not trying to cause an argument, I just think that they have the right to know. For all I know, I could be on your hit list...!?!...some of the people I respect the most on here could too?!

Maybe a better solution would be some kind of "probation"? The electronic form of a "sin bin"...where the admin "tag" abusers, 3 tags and you're out sort of thing.

As for the search engine. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Its pants. You can't go around flaming newbies and telling them to use the search engine - because its the first thing I did here and you get so many irrelevant threads its incredible. An "advanced search" needs to be looked at quite seriously.

Post Mon Sep 08, 2003 5:21 pm

First off I would like to think the people who started and maintain this site. I wound up here because I'm one of those poor saps who try as they may couldn't beat Dexter Hovis-- just not a hoop racer. Ok I say, need help, find a good site, went to Google to SEARCH for a site. Check out a few and this site caught looked great but no SEARCH on TLR home page, ok clicked on Game Forum---wow look at all the threads---looked at the top, Bingo a SEARCH FORUM selection, did that, found what I wanted(the winning music one). Finished the story line missions came back here to learn more about what you could do in FL. Yes, the search forum is rather general and you get more than you want but I did eventually find all that I was looking for. I don't like seeing all the flaming or disrepect either or the been posted before click here stuff. Some of that is way more than people want to sit and read through. I did but hey I got the time to do it but some people try to get some FL playing time in before getting some sleep for work or play until it's time to go to work. No matter what site your on that has a forum you'll see disrepect and flaming. Yeppers, you can call me a newbie but not a n00bie. Just my thoughts on the matter. The Admin here is doing the best they can but this site isn't their life (I hope). No doubt just some regular people that like doing this and remember--- they can yank the plug on this site saying it ain't worth it no more.

Stay frosty out there!!! "Check"-Trent

Post Mon Sep 08, 2003 5:56 pm

jollysoul has a good point. This is without a doubt THE site for freelancer fans. Not only is it a forum, it is a massive resource with mods, mod help, mod tutorials, hints, tips, spoilers, conversation, a rank system (THATs cool btw), etc... the list goes on. And it doesn't look half bad either! Way cooler than gametalk!

Who are you and why are you reading my quote?

Post Mon Sep 08, 2003 9:05 pm

First off all: Flaming Sucks!

Good, having said that, I have to admit that I wasn't allways a good boy , but I think I have my flamethrower under control now. I only take it out very rarely.
I agree that the way some people here are responding to the obvious new kid on the block is rather rude, and although I do sometimes understand their frustration, I don't understand why someone want's to reply to a question wich he thinks is for some reason dumb, or stupid.
If someone asks a question, he (or she) expects an answer. And I think he (or she) deserves an answer.
If you don't like the subject, don't be a smart@ss and show off your gramatical skills (wich is not my best point ), but lay off and give others the chance to answer.

The only thing I find anoying is when someone asks a question wich has been asked only a few hours (sometimes less!) before. If the forums are not insanely busy (wich they never are) the newest posts will display on top of the messageboards. If someone takes a bit of time to see if his (or her) question has been asked allready, you wouldn't see three, or more, of allmost the same posts in the top five of the forum (i've seen that happen)

I don't really care if someone used the forum search option or not, just take a little time to browse through the forums a bit and read the sticky's for the most usefull and/or most asked for subjects. And try to ask the question in the appropriate foums, like a technical question in the technical forum and a question about servers and stuff on the MP forum. That isn't too dificult IMHO.
And if the regulars can bring up some respect (respect is the word ) I think that this forum can be enjoyable for both new guys and regulars.

One last thing: don't put the responsibility on the shoulders of the forum moderators, They build and maintain the site for us to use it, and therefore it's not more than logical that we keep the forums clean. Like a Hotel, or a campingsite.
We shouldn't bring the moderators in to this because they don't like to clean up the mess that we are creating, and I don't think that should be nessesary.


Edited by - Nickless on 08-09-2003 22:10:25

Post Mon Sep 08, 2003 9:54 pm

You knoe, I got rid of these kind of posts! So no need to bring it all back up again!

Bye-bye! *Click*

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