First off all: Flaming Sucks!
Good, having said that, I have to admit that I wasn't allways a good boy
, but I think I have my flamethrower under control now. I only take it out very rarely.
I agree that the way some people here are responding to the obvious new kid on the block is rather rude, and although I do sometimes understand their frustration, I don't understand why someone want's to reply to a question wich he thinks is for some reason dumb, or stupid.
If someone asks a question, he (or she) expects an answer. And I think he (or she) deserves an answer.
If you don't like the subject, don't be a smart@ss and show off your gramatical skills (wich is not my best point
), but lay off and give others the chance to answer.
The only thing I find anoying is when someone asks a question wich has been asked only a few hours (sometimes less!) before. If the forums are not insanely busy (wich they never are) the newest posts will display on top of the messageboards. If someone takes a bit of time to see if his (or her) question has been asked allready, you wouldn't see three, or more, of allmost the same posts in the top five of the forum (i've seen that happen)
I don't really care if someone used the forum search option or not, just take a little time to browse through the forums a bit and read the sticky's for the most usefull and/or most asked for subjects. And try to ask the question in the appropriate foums, like a technical question in the technical forum and a question about servers and stuff on the MP forum. That isn't too dificult IMHO.
And if the regulars can bring up some respect (respect is the word
) I think that this forum can be enjoyable for both new guys and regulars.
One last thing: don't put the responsibility on the shoulders of the forum moderators, They build and maintain the site for us to use it, and therefore it's not more than logical that we keep the forums clean. Like a Hotel, or a campingsite.
We shouldn't bring the moderators in to this because they don't like to clean up the mess that we are creating, and I don't think that should be nessesary.
Edited by - Nickless on 08-09-2003 22:10:25