How many times have you played SP?
You know, I was just starting another new single player campaign on the latest Rebalance mod after I had finished my previous campaign on the HU V8 mod and was wondering... let's see, I have probably played the single player (and finished it) at least 10 times now. Is it just me? Nah, couldn't be. I'm sure there's someone more addicted to this game than I am. The sick part is this last time, I felt like Juni and the bunch were like familiar old friends or something. YIKES! How many times have played all the way through the single player? Unless a totally wicked ass new mod comes out (like HU, Rebalance, Mass add-on, etc., rolled into one!) comes out. I'm going to try to not start another new game. But really, FL 2 needs to come out soon.!!!! I need new single player!!! I hope they use some of the same characters.