I was thinking about this for a long time...
This game was great for about a month after it came out. I loved everything about it, I liked just about everything about it, except the cheating part. Anyways, I was thinking if this game was made to where about 500 people could be on a server (i.e. planetside style - but not that large), and had a marketplace that changed values every so often so it wasnt the same trade route over and over again. If that wouldn't work out, then I was thinking pirates should have more of a role on a server, not NPC's, but real people (you could start out as a pirate). A weapon system similar to a RPG game in where there is no limit to the level of weapons, as long as you have the level to back it up. Larger ships would be nice, sort of like the cruise ship mod that someone was working on back when I was playing FL earlier. I just think it'd be interesting, and I'd kill for a game like this.