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PKrs: wy they are dispicable

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Post Sun Aug 03, 2003 3:32 am

PKrs: wy they are dispicable

i wood like to let out my thoughts on people that Player Kill..........

its barbaric, and should not be done for it makes noobs feel uneasy, and other people just plain annoyed. how wood u like it if u were just making an expensive cargo run, ready for any pirate waiting for sum $ to come, minding your own bizness wen all of a sudden... a fellow FL, pops out of nowere, and blows you into oblivion, yor salvage and cargo vanish without a trace... frustrating, isn't it?

kudos to those of you who protect the galaxy from PKing scum, peace!

adrian M. *u*

Edited by - Render on 03-08-2003 04:33:36

Edited by - Render on 03-08-2003 04:37:38

Post Sun Aug 03, 2003 3:46 am

thats why they is usually a no pvp in ny, or in liberty rule, well on some severs anyway,. and some incourage it in the subgames

Post Sun Aug 03, 2003 5:06 am

I have nothing against pkers, except for a few types:

1. Those who pk those who do not wish to battle without warning . Requesting "taxes" or parts of cargo are part of the multiplayer experience, in my opinion. But just opening fire on other players without warning is low.

2. Campers. Need I say more? Cheap.

3. Those who exclusively pk those of significantly lower levels. Pick on someone your own size. Hopefully, the noob you shot will become better and kick your behind one day.

Post Sun Aug 03, 2003 6:50 am

This really belongs in the multiplayer forum.

Post Mon Aug 04, 2003 6:42 am

i dont think this dusbelong the MP forum, this is an opinion thread and a place place were MP newbs can share sum of ther pain, also a good place for PKer's to kum and be chastised by those who hav honor (namely striker, good-on-yamate).
no this thread is very anti-MPforum

adrian M. *u*

Post Mon Aug 04, 2003 6:55 am

Kiddy clans are the worst. Everyone knows who they are, as the amount of posts regarding them indicates.

You know the ones. One or two might try and hijack you, you refuse, blow them away when they try and take you out, and the next thing you know, you are on their KOS list for being a better pilot. So you go along, minding your own business, and then you are jumped by 3, 4, 5 or more of the useless sods who cant take out a drake in their uber-titan without heavy backup.

Solution: Return the favour, Make up a couple of different characters with different names, and PK the PK'ers at random. Doesnt solve the problem, but it makes them sit up and notice.

Just my $0.02, but it could just be the cardamine talking.
Nil Mortifi Sine Lucre
aka Shaman - gameArena Server

Post Mon Aug 04, 2003 10:28 am

Any Pkers who ask me for payment,tax EAT MY SUNSLAYER TORPEDOE LANCHER cause i know how to use it on ships

i ate a booger so you ate a turd.

Post Mon Aug 04, 2003 12:43 pm

I don't much care for PKers in any game. Personally I've always thought of them as a lower order lifeform unable to recognize the value of cooperation, friends and actually getting to know people before you shoot at them. Last night I played my first MP game of Freelancer and had a bit of fun (ask mey why the Chikin crossed the road sometime ;-). Learned some new things and also met what has to be the dumbest PKer in existence (at least that I've met). Here's the scoop.

I'm playing in a no PK game. I figured this was a good move since I'm still green and learning how its all done. Most folks were nice if not helpful. A few were just aloof. And then there was this one....

So I'm near Pueblo Station happily mining Silver and blasting the odd Xeno when a squadron of four comes in. That's a bit much for me yet so I back off to Pueblo and let the Navy handle them. I'm trawling the whole way and take out two of the Xeno's myself (yay for me!). And that's when HE showed up.

He is in a Defender, seemed nicely tricked out and all. I didn't pay him any attention, no PK, right. Well, this dedicated PKer isn't about to let a silly thing like a no PK game stop him, no sir. He opens up on me with everything he has, missiles, guns and god only knows what else. I'm a little busy with one Xeno that just really has a hate on for me so I ignore the silly PKer, after all, he can't hurt me.

However, his constant barrage starts shaking my ship and throwing off my aim. So I message him and tell him to quit it, he can't kill me its a no PK game. He pauses briefly and for one second I think maybe he's gotten the idea. Wrong!

Undaunted by this setback he changes tactics, he moves in so that he's facing my cockpit and blasts away, trying to blind me with the weapon's hits. If I change direction of fire (using turrets on my Rhino) he moves around and keeps firing away. This is getting ridiculous. When that doesn't seem to get me killed, he decides to try something new. I'll give him marks for creativity folks. He decides for his next trick he'll see if he can ram me to death. Over and over and over he flies into me, knocking me about a bit and again screwing my aim all to hell so I can't kill that last Xeno who is just pouring it too me.

So I go and dock in Pueblo... with my PKer ramming me the whole way trying to prevent me from docking. I docked anyway and msged him again. Asked him if he was stupid or just really really dense. No answer. After about 5 min he got bored and flew away and I didn't see him anymore. I came out and went back to mining silver... ended up pulling into Manhattan with my cargo hold nearly full... gotta love that paycheck!

PKers... I just don't understand 'em!


Post Mon Aug 04, 2003 4:35 pm

Hi all.

Hi Bogsnot

Player Kills on a server that allow it are valid however inventing moral values to restrict them is wrong. There is only 1 rule that should apply to any game and thats this one.

1) Dont ruin the game for others.

I think everybody can see parts of their own personal rule book in that one rule and it covers every area you can imagine. It also applies in reverse, kicking off when attacked on a PvP server is ruining the game for the player attacking you.

There is two sides to this story after all and the players choice of servers can easily mean the difference between enjoying a game in peace or seeing your game or others ruined.


Post Mon Aug 04, 2003 8:28 pm

There ARE no-PK servers? Permanent ones that won't go down in a day or two and never come back? Gee, maybe MP is worth the time...

My take on it: If you want to pick a fight, and the other guy doesn't, go pick on someone who DOES want to fight. There's plenty of people who would probably love to duel you, so why bug the one dude out there that just wants to mind his/her own business? You can have fun and PK all you want WITHOUT ruining the game for the people who don't want to fight.

You can say "oh, then go play in a no-PK server", but maybe you haven't looked at it from their angle: maybe when they first got in the server it WAS no-PK, then went PK after they had spent endless hours leveling up? Hell, that's what happened to me(shortly before the server just sort of vanished, character and all).

If someone wants to be left alone, just leave them alone! After all, you'll score some major points with them for doing it, and you MIGHT just get an ally out of the experience. Then maybe later on they'll come bail you out of trouble, instead of trying to blow you to smithereens?

Reaper: $200,000,000.
Rockets: $100,000
The look on that pilot's face when you launch a full pod of screamers up his tailpipe: priceless
-->In 60 years, I wanna be one of those cranky guys sitting on his porch with a shotgun, yelling at the fools to get off my lawn...

Post Tue Aug 05, 2003 1:12 am

NukeIt said something in his post that made me pause. Several times PKers have been defined as someone who considers only what they want without thinking about whether they are ruining the game for others. That's not a bad definition. But as NukeIt points out, not everyone who wants a fight is a PKer. Some of you have mastered the game, done everything twice, are on a first name bases with every bartender in the universe and have a very large walkin closet full of t-shirts to prove it! For you folks, fighting a human opponent is maybe all that's left for you. Some of you just like doing that from the start. And I thought about this and if you'll permit me, coined a term for it.

If you accecept the definition of a PKer... then how about the Duelist? Someone who likes fighting duels rather than trading, mining, exploring or what have you. A Duelist is someone who enjoys testing themself against another skilled pilot. Its not about killing, its about testing your skill. It need not even be to the death (or respawn in this case), it could be to first shield drop or something. Duelist aren't interested in forcing a fight with someone who doesn't want to, and they don't pick on newbies or those who aren't as skilled (they want the challenge, not an easy victory).

Useful term, yes?


Post Tue Aug 05, 2003 2:20 am

It's a servicable definition. However..

Know what becomes of the 'Duelist' after another few more months of playing? He gets tired of constantly seeking for a new opponent. His old opponents are old-hat; he's dueled them each 1000 times, and travelling around the server a dozen times looking for someone new to duel leaves him feeling empty, and bored to tears. The duelist then hungers for a reason to duel; other than the just dueling for the sake of dueling. He wishes for a challange, and for a worthy opponent. At this point, your duelist turns either into a Pirate, or a Cop. Either way, each needs the other to stay entertained.

To paraphrase Napoleon: When you define your very life around opposing an enemy, you would rather do anything than see your enemy die.

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