Fri Jul 18, 2003 11:10 pm by Triple Helix
Just bear in mind that it is in most cases faster and earier to buy the commodity you're mining at the nearest base. Mining is only a real option if you are bored, very poor, or very cheap. There's always some mining company offering niobium or H-fuel at very low prices.
But hey, if you like mining, be my guest and go right ahead.
There is an interesting story. Read it if you're interested: I was mining Niobium in Tau-37 when 4 Outcast appaeared! They said: Drop your cargo (4 Oxygen I looted from other enemies). I decided to play with them a bit: I droppped my cargo, and waited for them to pick it up... Then I destoyed all 4 ship and tractorred in what was left of them.
Even this was more profitable than mining, but mine all you want.
---Everything is evolution---