"Um.. Its set over 800 years in the future, religion will be dead by then."
Um.. no. Religion is terribly persistant. Christianity (the religion I'm most familier with, though by no means believe) has influences, themes, and rituals that not only reflect early christianity, but far more ancient religions as well. The Baptism and Eucharist both come from a tradition of Mystery cults, a phenomonon that evolved only slightly before Christianity. The Veneration of Saints in Catholic and Othrodox churches is remarkably similar to the worship of locad deities, a custom far, far older than Christianity. Cosmic Good vs. Comsic Evil originated in Zoastrianism, a religion founded between 1500 and 1000 BC (and is still practiced today). Prayer, the idea that the spoken word can influence God or gods, is a holdover from proto Indo-European culture, at least (very least) 6000 years old. Time does not kill religion.
Neither does Technology kill religion. The Western world has significant technologies and is producing more exponentially. Christianity (essentially a European religion) current has the most self-delcared adherents of any on the planet (3 billion).
Nor does location kill religion. Both the Europeans and the Arabs were able to export their religion to new continents very effectively.
Many people benefit amazingly from their faith, even today. And always, in uncertain situations (space being particularly uncertain in my opinion) Religion shows up to help people manage. The idea that Religion is going to die out or be bled out of us as a culture implies that Religion is primitive, when in fact is can be terribly modern. It is certainly utilitarian. We will be keeping it for a very, very long time.
For those of you not familier with him, Frank Herbert has written a fantastic set of novels that look at religion, among other things, in a spacefaring society. The Dune books are old now, but certianly classics.
Knew my Roman/Greek civ degree would be good for something
Disclaimer: the above post is based on my understanding of religion as gleaned from my education/life/religious expirences. If you disagree, please don't hurt me.