Post Tue Jun 03, 2003 12:27 pm

Another ''mod idea'' thread.

Theres one thing that bugs me about the game, well - the MP side of it, and that's the balance between areas.

It was designed in the SP storyline to step your up through difficulty, thought hat doesn't really work in MP. Bretonia and Liberty become next to useless. Rheinland and Kusari are mainly used for trading, or as stops on the way to the border worlds.

What I'm suggesting is that each area will hold it's own type of ship, kind of appropriate to where they are.

What I mean by that, is that perhaps Liberty will stock ships that will support up to lvl9 guns. But well rounded ships. Not too much power, defence, or gun mounts. Kusari perhaps can be king of the light and nimble ships - stocking ships that will take up to level 9 guns again, but perhaps two level 9 one level 8 in the top ship. Rheinland holds the big, heavy ships with lots of shield and guns. But they cant move fast. Perhaps the top ship there would take 7 level 9 guns and a level 9 shield or something, but fly like a brick. Bretonia could hold the main freighters, all the way up to the top power again. Border worlds could hold a top of the selection from each area, which would be upgraded to support some level 10 guns.

Also upgrade the enemies in each area or something.

Basically, that would mean that wherever you go, you could buy a particular type of ship that suits you, which means that libery, bretonia, wouldn't be so damn useless.

Did that make any sense or was it just babble?