Post Sun Apr 06, 2003 7:45 pm

Did u ever notice that if your flying winged in a astroid field your ship avoids the astroids but your wing gets bounced off astroids and shattered into the 4 winds trying to follow you ?

Also one time i was hanging in q just passed a docking ring and the ship desided to make a turn into the atmosphere instead away from it to get towards the docking ring and i lost all my cargo of boron ,been doing missions for over a hour to get the money to do my first haul and boom all gone
Had to do missions again and ofcourse that made me just get onto bad foot with a bunch of pirates who jump me at every spot they can find to hassle me now , differend pirate groups even team up on me when i pass with my turtle like humpback
Still its fun to beat them off like flies